Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

June 2013 Blog Posts (5)

A slightly different line of thought

This may be a slightly strange post so please beat with me.

My case prostatitis is certainly infectious. But whether it is bacterial or not I wonder if the below has any merit?

When I pass stool I do get some prostatic discharge. This of course made me think, here is a natural process that is automatically flushing out the prostate. While sitting there I realised though - sitting on a toilet isn't exactly natural. The toilet after all is a technological innovation. So I… Continue

Added by Rex on June 20, 2013 at 4:27am — No Comments

transrectal resection of ejaculation ducts


I want to ask about a surgery call. ( transrectal resection of ejaculation ducts) is this will help with chronic bacterial prostatitis ? Many docotor recommend it because of recurrent infection and taking many antibiotics without helping

Added by Sam za on June 18, 2013 at 9:28am — No Comments

A good note

I've managed to get out of my depressing funk a bit. It's enough to make a difference. I went from picturing a dead end to a unique determination. I have my goals to get over this and my goals for when this gets better. Refraining from many activities hasn't been easy. But I know that some day I'll be back at it. I haven't felt much perineal pain lately and my urethra burn has been quite managable. It's this testicular pain thats a huge culprit and if this lasts for any while longer, I think…


Added by Trevor McIsaac on June 15, 2013 at 5:01pm — 6 Comments

Next step to take

I am at the point where very little is enjoyable. I can hardly enjoy a video game or movie at this point. At times, the urethral burning gets to me but I find If I drink enough water, it's not as bad. However, my testicular symptoms are starting to annoy me and have me sleeping for a majority of the day. This makes me question what I really have. I'm refraining from sexual and physical activity until I figure the next step as no relief is provided anymore. No doctor has really said anything…


Added by Trevor McIsaac on June 13, 2013 at 8:04pm — No Comments

Prostate abscess

When the prostate will develop to abscess in what condition , and what kind of bacteria is the most develop to prostate abscess ? Anyone has delovped to abscess

Added by Sam za on June 6, 2013 at 10:48am — 1 Comment


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