Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Hello guys,
I came across a guy who got cured from china.his name is rsjedh..went to china for 3d prostate injection s..I mailed him ..he said he received antibiotic injection s daily twice a day for 30 days through perinium. .and he stayed in china for 30 days and got rhis is interesting. .he us 41 yrs old..had prostatis for 4 ytd and is cured..he said many Americans were there in china for treatment. .I am befuddled actually. .any feedback. .

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Exactly mr.koch...i got 3 feedbacks from people who used lavyl and felt that they wasted a lot of money..finally taking ayurvedic medicines from me which gave better output. the failed cases by whatever reasons are changing their treatment mode..i m not against lavyl. .its just that the there are lot of people in forum who had bad experience with lavlyl...and they haven't posted any praise for the product. .there are 1000 of guys in the forum. .but not a single acknowledge ment has come which ultimately raise questions of the potency of the product at skyrocketing it depends on them whether they like it or not...we are all trying to figure out to cope and find some solution. .basically this a prostatectomy forum. .we want more operation results rather than endorsing products and doing their marketing. .thanks for your help that is paving a way for us to find some effective solution whether injections. .ayurvedic meds or prostatectomy. .but we need feedbacks from people. .thanks for your concern mr.koch...i appreciate it..its just lavyl is not my cup of tea. ...u can ask the people of this forum to put feedbacks whom u treated and lets see what they have to say.
Warm regards and best wishes

Hello … my name is marcus and i suffer from chronic bacterial prostatitis for 7 years now… I'm 40 years old and healthy guy! .. yet i suffer from the worst disease for any man to have … i want to share my opinion on 3d injections from clinic in china …. I'm am going to china in november 2016 for 3d treatment … i am going to film my trip for the world to see , and to help other guys who have this disease see if there is a cure from 3d injections . as i believe this is the only way we  can cure this disease …..i have heard many people ( who have NOT been to china } say many bad things about 3d injections and how china is bad and infect you with hep C….on this forum …  so anyway i contacted china clinic ..talked to them about my fears and rumours i have heard …. they where very good in answering all my questions … and told me in 2005 have a case of hep b….. yes this was true ..only one case …and since this happen …has never happen again …. i have done much research on this ….and find this to be true ….  i am going in november this year , i will film my 30 day trip… and put on utube.. i hope this will help people believe there is a cure for this disease …. 

Don't go there, I went there.  They have no idea what they are doing.  You will not get better at all, and might get nerve damage.  Just fyi.

hello sam … can i ask you what clinic you went to in china ?…and you spent £15,000 on treatment , and not feel any better?...

Hi Marcus ,
I just read your post ! Let start by saying I commend your bravery and determination .
I would love to see your video diary and updates on how it goes .
I wish you all the best with this
Email me if you like

Look for forward to hearing from you Marcus
Good luck and God bless

It is like cutting off your arm and then saying it is brave. I know about 10 other people who did those injections with only 1 getting better. I know the pain that everyone is in, but those injections can lead you with a lot of problems like I experienced and absolutely no relief in pain. They have almost no idea what they are doing there either. If you are truly desperate you can try seeing dr Emanuel sta Cruz in Manila. He most likely won't cure you, but you will be in better shape, maybe 80% better depending on your case. At least that's how I got marginally better. Hope things work out for you, just trust me and don't be as foolish as me and get those injections.

Hi John, im afraid forums can be ill informed and full of paranoid people! who have never been to the clinic in china ... ex: if you look at Sam,s.... posts on this forums.. this november i will make my video diary of my trip to china ..and im going to show the guys who listen to the paranoid people here! .. that there is a cure for us all.... guys with this horrible disease deserve to know the truth about china ..and how better then to make a video of my trip ....and let this forum see the real truth! ... the way i feel ..BE BRAVE GET CURED 
John haynes said:

Hi Marcus ,
I just read your post ! Let start by saying I commend your bravery and determination .
I would love to see your video diary and updates on how it goes .
I wish you all the best with this
Email me if you like

Look for forward to hearing from you Marcus
Good luck and God bless

I've been there, do you want pictures as proof? It's easy to believe that it will cure you because that sounds good. I'm not paranoid, I had 48 days of injections, paid 15000 $ or so, didn't get better and had a lot of complications. Everything I did I documented as well :) I would sue that clinic if I had enough willpower, maybe I will in the next few years.
im writing here because I don't want anyone else to go through that hell. I have nothing to gain, if you really want to hurt yourself even more be my guest. Where are you guys from by the way?

sam yes please send me your clinic info and dates you was there ! your full name !,where your from in the world !

, photos , anything you think can validate your story ...i will check your story out with the records in china ,, please keep your word and send me this info to me!! 

Marcus, it sounds like you are working at that clinic, how else would have access to those records? Are you Chinese? If not where are you from? I can skype with you and send you those records but I want to make sure you are actually a prostatitis patient and not someone that's paid to do marketing for that clinic.

It's sounds very suspecious, why on earth would you want my full name otherwise?

Sam .  im a guy with chronic prostatitis , i dont work for the clinic in china ... lets skype ... my id is .. marcus.horne7 add me to your skype and we can talk ... im from the UK ..

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