Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

I have read that a few can no longer orgasm after prostate removal, a few more have pain on orgasm, the majority have a less intense orgasm (still better than a painful one & prostatitis), and a very lucky few have a more intense orgasm. Does anybody know what the proportions of the above four categories are?

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Nik at least in my case tafter the LRP surgery (5 weeks) the orgasm doesnt have any change in intensity, the feeling in the beginning was a little painfull, but is normal considering the internal wounds; actually the experience of the sex in essence is the same. The only change is that obviously you have a dry eyaculation, i mean without presence of sperm.
You have to consider that besides of the prostaitis (or the surgery), the age, the regularity of the sexual activity, the stress, the level of activity, even the stress, drugs and alcohol can induce changes in the quality of your orgasm and sexula life in general; then if you have a normal sexual activity before your LRP, and keeping in mind that the operation (in case of Prostatitis) is made it preserving the nerves and the muscles that control your erections, doesnt exist -at least fisiologicaly talking- any possibility that your orgasm change......well if you expect jump to the bed the very next day of the cateter removal, for sure you gonna have some troubles, but after the recovering time, and depending of your age and style of life, your sexual activity can be the same. If some body have a better orgasm please reveal me the secret ;)
Regards. G
Thanks for answering German, thats really good to hear. Dry ejaculation for me would be no problem at all once my partner & I have completed our IVF cycle and hopefully have a baby..!!!
Nice to hear that Nik, congratulations!! :) just keep in mind that during the first month after the LRP may be you will not be in the mood to have too much sex, but i think is a normal reaction from mind and body to favor the process of healing.. but the mood is gradually coming back... ;)
Good energy future dad.
Not surprising after what you went through-prostatitis puts you off sex too...!!!

German said:
Nice to hear that Nik, congratulations!! :) just keep in mind that during the first month after the LRP may be you will not be in the mood to have too much sex, but i think is a normal reaction from mind and body to favor the process of healing.. but the mood is gradually coming back... ;)
Good energy future dad.

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