Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Mr Eden, have you performed radical TURP for prostatitis?

Mr Eden, have you performed radical TURP for prostatitis, and if so what were the outcomes and your thoughts on the procedure? I attach a study done in 1982 for your perusal.
Also, is it possible to do radical TURP using green light laser (PVP) or HoLEP, and would the laser deal with heavily calcified prostates as many of us here most likely have-I certainly have as shown by TRUS?

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I have done radical TURP but not laser prostatectomy for chronic prostatitis which has not responded to any other therapy in the past but have not found it to be helpful, probably because it leaves the peripheral zone of the prostate and its nerve supply intact. I honestly can't answer your question regarding prostatic calcification and laser prostatectomy but would anticipate problems because of the very different optical characteristics of prostate tissue and calcification.
Thanks for your reply, it would seem LRP may be the only realistic chance of a cure as I guess even a HoLEP procedure would still end up with the same result as Radical TURP. Also if there were symptoms from infected seminal vesicles, they would remain in place continuing to cause symptoms.

Christopher Eden said:
I have done radical TURP but not laser prostatectomy for chronic prostatitis which has not responded to any other therapy in the past but have not found it to be helpful, probably because it leaves the peripheral zone of the prostate and its nerve supply intact. I honestly can't answer your question regarding prostatic calcification and laser prostatectomy but would anticipate problems because of the very different optical characteristics of prostate tissue and calcification.

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