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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Has anyone else noted that as time passes prostatitis symptoms seem to change with time? Not for the better, but just like a evolution of the disease/symptoms

I remember a bad flare years ago was just frequent urination. Now bad flares can be felt in the legs and back, along with the prostate.

As the frequent urination becomes less, another equally bothering symptom takes form. From what i read this seems to be very common.

Anyone else notice this. prostatitis really is like a curse from a mean old witch

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yes i used to have pain going down my legs . then my foot used to burn. (only my left )
then after that ended it felt like someone kicked me in the ass . my butt used to hurt like hell.
oh yes my knees used to hurt . i felt like the tin man without oil . it seemed like every 3 or 4 months a new hell would begin. since i have had the injections. i just have a little uretha burn left .
everything else is gone THANK GOD!!!!!!!! going for round six soon ! hope to knock this out!


It's great that you're finally making progress.

I'm curious to know what Dr Bahn is injecting you with? If it's a steroid, which one?

And what broad spectrum antibiotic is he using?
chris here is what he is using. i think every doctor who cares should be doing this. it the only thing that has helped me.

could you please list all your symptoms befre visiting dr bahn, and now current symptoms

did you have frequent urination before bahn? I remember you told me years ago you had frequent urination, but did you have urination issues right before seeing bahn

i had frequent urination for 10yrs . i used to piss 2 or 3 times a hour. but had no pain , went to lots of uros docs etc. ( i have had more hands in my ass than a poke game).then 3 yrs ago after a couple of stressful years . my nuts started hurting . then my ass perenium and uretha caught on fire . like a blow torch! 24 /7 . had the denervation surgery 2 yrs ago . (cause dr. levine manipulated me in thinking it wasnt a infection) did take the ball pain away but not the burn .
still felt like my ass and cock was a roman candle 24/7 . since i started the shots in feb 08 . im sitting here typing pain free !!(just got back from the gym) every now and then i get uretha burning .i can go 2 hrs now or more without having to piss.
im going back to dr. bahn for round six to knock what is ever left out. dr. duke bahn and staff have saved my life!!!
i have more energy and i try and go to church every sunday and pray for us all . love me or hate me ill still pray for you.
no man should live with this! hope this helps. GOD BLESS US ALL!!
Imnotcrazy--That's great news! Congratulations to you! I had read somewhere that one of Dr. Bahn's assistants said that nobody had been able to knock out their prostatitis permanently, instead, they all had to come back a few times a year for additional shots. Is that your expectation as well, or are you thinking that there's a chance that Dr. Bahn's shots can knock this out for good? Does Dr. Bahn think that he can knock it out completely? If so, that would certainly be good news, and proof that the antibiotics are working. If not, that would suggest that it's just the temporary effect of the steroids that is helping people. Thanks for you help, and glad to hear you are doing well!
dr. bahn and his staff are very honest . they are not like the other uros and docs. they tell you it may or may not work.
and that it has helped many of men . thats it! and they leave it up to you. i know of others it has helped as well.
so there you go. this is just my situation . everyone is different . they are the only ones out there that i have met that are not scamming us men . and for that i am gratefull cause im getting my life back!!

good news, and proof that the antibiotics are working

not really proof antibotics are working. The steroids could cut out the inflammation cycle and just allow the prostate to heal.

antibotics have proven to not work at all with prostatitis.

there are People on this board who had daily injections for 45 days in china with antibiotics with little effect. Only when steroids are entered into the mix do people feel better.

great news imnotcrazy.. i wish the best for ya


For the people who travelled to China and had the daily injections--me and you included--they might have made the simple mistake of choosing the wrong doctor. We both know that the urologist we visited has been reported to the Health Authorities in China, and is tempoaraily shut down due to legal action taken against him.

What's interesting about the second clinic, is they have a different way of delivering the intraprostatic injection. The needle is kept in the prostate for up to 3 minutes, allowing time for the ducts/sacks to fill with antibiotic. Their thinking is that this will lead to better efficacy and better concentrations (at least that's the theory). The first clinic we went to didn't do that. It's possible the injections we had were only entering surrounding tissue, and not delivering into the prostate itself. That might explain a lot of things: mainly why they wanted to inject TWICE a day, whereas the second clinic only injects once.

We also know that the first clinic was run by a shameless crook.
Dell said:
Imnotcrazy--That's great news! Congratulations to you! I had read somewhere that one of Dr. Bahn's assistants said that nobody had been able to knock out their prostatitis permanently, instead, they all had to come back a few times a year for additional shots. Is that your expectation as well, or are you thinking that there's a chance that Dr. Bahn's shots can knock this out for good? Does Dr. Bahn think that he can knock it out completely? If so, that would certainly be good news, and proof that the antibiotics are working. If not, that would suggest that it's just the temporary effect of the steroids that is helping people. Thanks for you help, and glad to hear you are doing well!

Even if it cant be knocked out, going back a couple of times a year to keep it under control is no big deal. If you can keep the inflammation under control (Measured by WBC in EPS), in theory he may be preventing prostate cancer along with the huge benefit of living a normal, pain free life. Just look at Chris Eden's findings so far-4 out of 5 lrp's he has done found previously undetected cancer. I wish we had the same treatment here in the UK.
I agree. If dr bahn can give people months of relief with his steroid injections i am all for it. I think stevo on the other forum wrote his prostate has shrunk in size by significantly.

Dr bahn will also send information on the procedure to your local uro, so Cali trips will not have to be necessarily every few months.

the key to bahns injections are the steroid Bethamethasone. This is whi he has amazing symptom relief in patients

dr toth in new york does bahns same protocol in new york. Toths reviews are no where as good as bahns. This is because dr toth does not use Bethamethasone. In fact toth uses no steroids in most cases. In my case he used none. The injections made me worse. I am angry that he didn't use steroids with me

The only down fall to bahns treatment is he uses a 22g needle. This is a large needle, and after years of injections it will damage the rectal wall. Hopefully the symptoms can be knocked out so life long return trips will not be needed.

i have a scar inside my rectal wall from 4 trans rectal injections from dr toth . It can be felt during prostate massages, and i hurts when its pushed. I have felt it myself, and it feels like hard lumpy skin to the touch.

It would be nice if bahn and toth could use the chinese injection style, using a small needle, going through the pelvic gap

For what it's worth, that's where I eventually see a cure for this dreadful illness coming from. When a few enlightened urologists get together---from East and West---and open up a clinic using a combination of Western medicine and Eastern injection skills. Acupuncture and the skilled use of the needle has played a key role in Oriental medicine for hundreds of years.

Of course, that's no help to us now. As I sit in front of my computer typing this, it feels like I've got a red-hot poker jammed up my ass. Future historians will probably look back on us saddos as sacrificial lambs, people who needed to be "practiced on" to further the cause of medicine.

So we shouldn't complain. We're probably all heroes in a strange, perverted way

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