Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

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  • jax , florida
  • United States
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hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
98 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dennis Taylor Jul 13, 2014.

where is ike and german ??????
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nik May 5, 2009.

check out this place
6 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by soso Aug 7, 2008.

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Dennis Taylor replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"I forgot. Talk to TJ at They ship it out. Btw, way more expensive than the shots."
Jul 13, 2014
Dennis Taylor replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"No, the epididymitis got it all started. The CP began about 2 to 3 months afterwards. I didn't have the same problems as you.  The pain was always about 20% perineal, 80% scrotal. But I never felt sick or had other issues. Driving was no…"
Jul 13, 2014
John Roland replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"same here. used to shoot across the room - then barely oozed out once I got prostatitis. mine started with body aches and pains and then perineal pain about a week later. that progressed to the point of not being able to sit down. not even on…"
Jul 13, 2014
Dennis Taylor replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"I use the injections. The syringe is a very small gauge and I don't have a problem with it. I know others do. There is Trimix Gel (I'll find the guy for you) and you inject it down your urethra. I find this doesn't work as well as the…"
Jul 13, 2014
John Roland replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"I had very little scrotal pain - mostly perineal and penis. Also felt like lightening flying out my penis when I ejaculated. I bought a device from aneros for self massaging and I think it helped a little. Problem is you are only getting to the…"
Jul 13, 2014
Dennis Taylor replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"This was my second go round with CP. I had it for 3 years when I was in my 30's. The doctor said it was probably a bacteria from the anus so likely anal sex, too. My pain wasn't as bad as some but if I tried to do any physical…"
Jul 13, 2014
John Roland replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"Dennis, I can have an orgasm and probably better than before - when I had prostatitis. Dr k did do the procedure. I have heard about the trimix and would like to try it. I hear some say that it is painful and not worth it. Your thoughts? I to am…"
Jul 13, 2014
Dennis Taylor replied to imnotcrazy's discussion hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????
"Hi, John. I had  the  procedure in January of 2012. I was worse off post-op and am still in a bit of discomfort. Dr. K did it. I don't know what I would have done without Percocet. Still 100% impotent but I use Trimix and that…"
Jul 13, 2014

Comment Wall (12 comments)

At 10:48pm on July 13, 2008, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…
Hi Imnotcrazy. Thank you for coming on. Please tell us a bit more about yourself and your history. You can update your profile on your My Page. And load in a photo too.
At 10:59pm on July 13, 2008, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…
Thank you. It might be good especially as others join in if you put some of the highlights -- age, symptoms, history -- on your page. You can edit the "prostatitis" box with title, test, images, links ... Others will want to compare and learn.

How did you find this network? It's only 24 hours old.
At 11:08pm on July 13, 2008, imnotcrazy said…
thanks doctor .im 42 year old . fell over with this at 39 .
for the first 2 and a half year i and a blow torch feeling that went from my ass , perenium and through my uretha non stop 24/7
i was talked into having micro denervation surgery by a doctor after my first year. he convinced me it wasnt a infection. so we did the left side . it did help with the ball pain but the burning stayed . i have had some relief by drainging the prostate while on anti-biotics . but dint give me my life back. i have had 5 rounds of injection and im living again. i hope this stays and i get back to 100% . i pray for us all day and nite . no man should live with this.
thanks again doctor!
At 10:03am on July 16, 2008, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…
Hi. It's best to ask questions of members on their pages because then they are notified. I was not notified of a new discussion in an open forum. In groups (see upper left) members are notified of new content.

Back to your question: I am primarily a prostate cancer surgeon. The case of David Radford, which was so spectacularly successful, caused me to engage the prostatitis community to understand the current situation.
At 10:20am on July 16, 2008, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…
The answer is below.
At 12:44pm on July 30, 2008, Chris said…
Sbs/Doc Firecock,

Thank you for your good wishes. For what its worth, I have always liked you, and always thought your heart is in the right place. I actually voted NOT to ban you on the other forum.
At 1:54pm on November 8, 2008, Chris said…

Yes, I have perineum and urethra burn--all the classic c.p.symptoms. Most days it feels like I've got a red-hot poker jammed up my ass.

I think you're going to suggest that I visit Bahn in Ventura? Well, I have taken the matter into hand already and made 3 appointments to see him in December.

I have told Bahn that if there's no improvement after 3 rounds of shots, I will discontinue treatment. Somehow, I have my doubts that he will be able to help--mainly because I have had so many failed treatments.

I know he's helped you and others, and that's why I'm going, in a last-ditch effort at preserving my prostate.

But how many rounds of shots have you had now? And what symptoms do you still have (if any)?
At 6:02pm on November 8, 2008, Chris said…
I'm glad you're happy with the treatment and you're still doing well. What's Bahn's prognosis? Does he think 8 treatments will be enough for you? Who requested the 8th treatment: you or him?

On a different topic, where do you stay in Ventura? Is there anything to do in the town? It looks like a one-horse town from all the research I've been doing. Any advice would be welcome

At 5:43pm on March 3, 2009, CHARLES said…
Imnotcrazy, Thanks for wishing me well. I will bring more updates as I recover from LRP surgery.
At 10:14pm on May 26, 2009, CHARLES said…
Hello imnotcrazy, I am doing fantastic. My urine leakage after surgery has subsided tremendiously but my spontaneous erection is not yet back. My energy is back and no more debilitating pain. I am very much around. I have not disappeared, just working, working.

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