Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Which symptoms did you have before treatment?
Which treatment did you have?
Were your symptoms relieved?

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I have tried all sorts of treatments. From herbs, injections, to prostate massages to more injections.. My symptoms always remain. And my prostate remains inflamed on ultrasound. Most of my symptoms seem to come from the prostate pushing my bladder. Urinary symptoms and soreness are my main symptoms.

Diet modifications, cutting out acid type stuff helps quite a bit.

It seems that injections only seem to help men if there laced with steroids.
I have found this treatment very effective so far. I will see how long the effects last after completing the treatment in a few more months.
Ohh your doing the EDTA Chelation Suppositories protocol. I have read good things about that regarding men lowering there calcification and symptoms

I actually did that protocol for about a month and I Found the edta to inflame my prostate to a unbearable point. I also found out later that i didn't have any calcification in my prostate. So i was probably not a good candidate anyway..
Hi Mike, interesting that it inflamed your prostate, perhaps you have an allergy to EDTA. I'm sorry it did not help you. Like you say though, if you had no/little calcification it may not have worked anyway, even without your reaction to it. I had a lot of calcification showing on TRUS.
I was worried initially about a haemorrhoid flare-up as I am prone to them, but luckily that turned out not to be an issue. The only small side effect I have been having is a rush to the toilet every morning with loose stools, still at least that's better than constipation...!!!

mike said:
Ohh your doing the EDTA Chelation Suppositories protocol. I have read good things about that regarding men lowering there calcification and symptoms
I actually did that protocol for about a month and I Found the edta to inflame my prostate to a unbearable point. I also found out later that i didn't have any calcification in my prostate. So i was probably not a good candidate anyway..
I had injections and had great results from Dr Bhan but symptoms returned and injections stopped working.

I have done the edta is also iritated my prostate

I have done months and months of antibiotics and anti fungals, very little relief was gained

I do self message to get by durring the day

I do the trigger points system for limited relief

I had 1 focal turp done and 1 cystoscope that removed a portion of a bloackage of my bladder caused by the prostate

I am at my witts end

14 years of prostate hell
how many injections did you have???
initial was 3 plus 2 more 90 days after, then symptoms returned 11 months later 3 more injections stopped working.
that sucks . i have had 11 im mostly normal these days..
good luck
My treatments have included 4 courses of antibiotics and currently, pelvic-floor PT. The AB's definitely did not work, and if anything, made things worse. The PT has not helped either, but I will give it more time.

For me, the two best things I have done are:

1) reduced stress
2) reduced time in sitting

Those two have reduced my symptoms, but nowhere near where I need them to be. I also have tried Ativan to help me get sleep. The frequent urination urge at night is very difficult to sleep through.

For what it's worth, I've found some improvement from taking Vitamin D/Calcium. Initially I started to take this because my bone density had reduced after a shoulder injury and it was suggested that long term lack of exercise (caused to a great extent by the sudden reduction in my exercise levels due to the pain and discomfort of prostatitis/epididymitis) had caused this. It certainly hasn't 'cured' me, but the year I've been taking the supplements has been the best year so far out of six with this condition. It may just be coincidental, but it's worth a try for anyone looking around for help. It's not expensive and won't do any harm.

I also had a bad reaction to trimethoprim in the form of Bactrim, which is a mixture of trimethoprim and another antibiotic. I've tried many antibiotics, none of which have done any good, but none of which made things worse except for this one. As I said in another post, the doctor refused to believe me. He said it was impossible to have a reaction to this drug and in his experience I was the first person ever to have an adverse reaction. He advised me to continue. I tried again with a similar bad effect. Of course I stopped immediately and the symptoms went back to their usual level. When I checked online there were lots of people complaining about this antibiotic, so I was hardly unique. Sometimes I wonder why these people become doctors.

Anyway, Blake, good luck, and let's hope things improve for you next year!



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