Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.
I had a LRP for chronic prostatitis in 2010 and have since had to deal with varying degrees of ED. Over the last seven years I have tried every method available to help but none were 100% favorable. On Oct 13 2017 I had a AMS 700 CX implant installed surgically. As of today it has been a little over 3 weeks since my surgery. I am posting in case there are others who too have had a LRP and are considering the implant. I am open to all questions.
Thanks John I really appreciate your feelings and comments. God bless you also on your journey with CP.
Hi Pete ,
i was wondering how things are going for you 5 months on. .?
i do hope all is well and you are pain free by now !
all the best
It has been almost ten months since my penile implant was installed. The first few months were pretty painful but as of today I am pain free and the implant works great! I had my doubts at first but it just takes time for the body to get used to the implant and adjust to the new elements. I am very glad I decided to go through with the operation and it has truly restored my sex life with my wife. I only wish I had done it sooner. Medicare covered the bulk of the cost so that was a blessing also.
Hey Pete Happy new year buddy.
Just checking in that all is still well for you .
I’m hoping your going to tell me you feel 21 all over again :)
truly hope your on a roll pal.
keep in touch
Hey John! Great to hear from you. Yes we are doing well and everything is working fine. At first I thought I had made a mistake with the implant surgery but now I am truly glad I did it. It has given my wife and I back our intimacy and spontaneity. I love the pic of you and your family in the snow! God is good and with Him life is good!
Glad to hear it Pete , that picture was taken last winter . We have yet to have snow so far :)
keep up the good work Pete your a man after my own heart.
love to you an the family
God bless
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