Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Dear Dr. Kongrad,

Seeing you have had success with prostate and seminal vesicle removal with the laser, have you considered performing epididymectomies as well fo people who have chronic epididymitis like Chris. I have had some relief in my prostate from injections but, now find myself with pin-point pain in my epididymis on the left side.

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I have had no expreince with epididymectomy in any context.

Two weeks ago I operated on a man who had had bilateral epididymectomy elsewhere with no relief of his symptoms. He just had his catheter removed. I asked him about his prostatitis, which he had had for 10 years. His answer: "what prostatitis?" His pain is gone.
Arnon Krongrad, MD said:
I have had no expreince with epididymectomy in any context.

Two weeks ago I operated on a man who had had bilateral epididymectomy elsewhere with no relief of his symptoms. He just had his catheter removed. I asked him about his prostatitis, which he had had for 10 years. His answer: "what prostatitis?" His pain is gone.
Doctor, can I clarify your comment? Are you saying that the patient got relief from the testicular pain after you operated on him? Or are the epidiymitis and prostatitis two separate issues?
I have the same question as Jon. Also, if on ultral sound it was shown that there was swelling of the epididymis, would one conclude that the epidiymis was indead a problem as well as radiating pain from the seminal vesicles and prostate as well?
I was not involved in the diagnosis or epididymitis. I did not do his epididymectomy.

I am not saying he got relief from epididymitis or orchitis after his LRP. I am saying only that he reports complete resolution of his prostatitis symptoms (example, pain on sitting) after his LRP.
Has he reported any pain elsewere such as the testicles, abdomin, leg, ect... ? Has he reported any pain in general or is he reporting to be asymptomatic to any kind of pain?
No scrotal, leg, or abdominal pain.
Thank you for your reply and your research Dr. Krongrad. I especially thank you for the time that you take to answere all of our questions. I am sure it is something you don't have a lot of.

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