Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.
My symptoms began about 2-3 years ago at the age of 26.
Symptoms including:
Erectile Dysfunction (Difficulty achieving an erection and maintaining one)
After Ejaculation I feel the prostate is more inflamed.
Pain while sitting (I have a job where I am required to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day)
Feeling like a golf ball is lodged in my butt
Decreased Urine Flow
Note: I work at a job that is very stressful and I am experiencing a lot of anxiety.
Note 2: Bloods test came back normal on testosterone levels.
Note 3: My prostate did not appear to be enlarged or out of the ordinary during the urologist's physical exam, however, I have never had a digital rectal exam.
When my symptoms first began I went to the Urologist describing a pain in the area of my prostate (almost like a feeling something was lodged somewhere). Now, I believe this could have been a trigger point causing me a pain, but I really don’t know, I am still very ignorant when it comes to this stuff. At this point I really didn’t understand what was happening or what the prostate’s purpose was… The doctor put me on an antibiotic (Cipro) for 2 months (one month at a time, but a total of 2 months) and after the end of the two months I actually started to feel better. However, after a few weeks, the symptoms returned. For a while I believed the symptoms were directly related to me sitting all day because at first I would actually start to feel better on the weekend and as soon as I would return to work and sit all day, the symptoms would return. The doctor decided to place me on a maintenance antibiotic (Trimethoprim 100 MG) and it worked, however, I did not seem like I was making any progress towards getting better and I had to take them everyday for it continue working. In hindsight, I probably should have stayed on the maintenance antibiotic, however, the Urologist thought it would be a good idea to try Elmiron to see if it had something to do w/ my bladder. Please note, I am not sensitive to any foods or drinks and never had a pain in my pelvic area and a cytoscopy came back clear, however, I elected to stop drinking any caffeine. I took Elmiron for 3-4 months with a very small amount of success. It decreased the pain in my prostate to some degree, but I could not handle the side effects of the medicine.
Very Frustrated, I went back to the Urologist and requested to be placed back on antibiotics (Cipro) and after a month of being on the antibiotics and starting an exercise regimen I was starting to feel like my self again and actually was symptom free for around 3 weeks. However, again after sitting at work for long periods of time, the symptoms reared it’s ugly head. So I went back on antibiotics and the symptoms have gotten better, but I have yet to become symptom free again.
Current Symptoms:
Erectile Dysfunction (Difficulty achieving an erection and maintaining one)
Currently not waking up with an erection
After Ejaculation I feel the prostate is more inflamed.
Some pain while sitting (In the area of my prostate)
Please note, I do not have any other medical issues like diabetes, depression (that I know of) or spinal injuries.
Here are my questions:
1) Do I request the Urologist to perform an Expressed Prostate Secretion to help determine if I have prostatitis and if so, help determine what kind? Please note, my current Urologist does not believe a EPS is necessary at this point because he believes it has to be bacteria if the antibiotics are working. In addition, I am very concerned he has no idea what he is doing when it comes to prostatitis or performing a EPS.
2) Which brings me to my next question, do you know of a good urologist in the OKC area or surrounding area for prostate problems?
3) My current Urologist believes it is a good idea at this point to perform an Ultrasound on my prostate to rule out anything serious. I assume this is a good idea?
4) I haven’t started the maintenance antibiotic (Trimethoprim 100 MG) because I do not know if taking antibiotics long term is a good idea… Your thoughts?
5) I have been reading about Pelvic Floor Dysfunction versus Prostatitis and I would love to know which one I am dealing with…. I do know the pain I am feeling is coming from the prostate. Is there a good method to rule out one or the other?
6) Could this simply be a lack of blood flow to my prostate due to sitting all day?
7) Could this all be a result of a high level of anxiety due to my stressful job?
Sorry, I understand I do not have a lot of the symptoms most patients with prostatitis endure; however, I do think my problems are somehow connected to my prostate. I am also a newly wed and I am very very concerned this problem will prevent me from having kids someday. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. I am really just looking for some answers or a direction I should take. Thank you!
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