Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Hello guys,
I came across a guy who got cured from china.his name is rsjedh..went to china for 3d prostate injection s..I mailed him ..he said he received antibiotic injection s daily twice a day for 30 days through perinium. .and he stayed in china for 30 days and got rhis is interesting. .he us 41 yrs old..had prostatis for 4 ytd and is cured..he said many Americans were there in china for treatment. .I am befuddled actually. .any feedback. .

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Ok I added you, we can skype now quickly if you want.
Yeah, well having those injections is like torture, I think a lot of people just want to forget about it. If you give me your skype I can also send you proof that I was there and proof that I didn't get better. And even proof of the complications I had. I have no reason to make this up. I just don't want those people to fuck over more people like with me. They might actually believe they are doing something good. But in reality they aren't. They are blasting the zone with antibiotics. Sometimes this works, sometime it doesn't. Because of the way antibiotics diffuse in an infectious area oral/IV antibiotics are just as good as injections. The real problem is finding the right antibiotic (or antifungal possibly), and that's really really tricky, especially with most urologists that give up so easily.

Hello sam ... any chance we can skype tonight to see this info you have .... thanks Marcus 

Yeah, sure, I'll be online in about 2 hours

ok thanks in 2 hours ..thank you 

Hey sam from my part i believe you, but have you talked whit marcus? Also will like to chat via skype whit you if posible.

Hey Sam.  Im sorry about your experience in China.  There is a guy on youtube that says he was cured there.  His name is Sean Devery.  After reading his testimony, several things sounded fishy.  He claims to have all this data from ex patients from other clinics.  I don't see how he was able to access ex patients names.  That's illegal here in the USA.    He also said the injections were not very painful and it seemed like a advertisement for the China clinic.  Sean sounds so sincere Also I know another guy that went there.  He came back with hepatitis C. and was not cured. .  Thank you or giving your testimony.  How are you doing now? 
Sam West said:

Yeah, well having those injections is like torture, I think a lot of people just want to forget about it. If you give me your skype I can also send you proof that I was there and proof that I didn't get better. And even proof of the complications I had. I have no reason to make this up. I just don't want those people to fuck over more people like with me. They might actually believe they are doing something good. But in reality they aren't. They are blasting the zone with antibiotics. Sometimes this works, sometime it doesn't. Because of the way antibiotics diffuse in an infectious area oral/IV antibiotics are just as good as injections. The real problem is finding the right antibiotic (or antifungal possibly), and that's really really tricky, especially with most urologists that give up so easily.

Marcus, did you end up going to china ?


I would like to talk with you if you can sometime soon ?

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