Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Hi Dr. Krongrad,
Thanks for the update on your work. Would you be able to provide us information on the Pathology Report of your patients? This may provide valuable infornation on the disease process and help researchers in the understanding of the pathophysiology of Prostatitis.
Once again thank you very much

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After doing the massage sessions in Tucson, I'm moving toward the trigger point therapy with a local physical therapist. My urologist seems to be persuaded that is the treatment I need. Meanwhile my continues to get inflamed. If I could afford the surgical removal I would seriously consider it. At least would like to try the green laser therapy.
Unfortunately, "trying" surgery is not like sampling flavors at the ice cream stand: There is a great deal more risk involved.

To the best of my knowledge, there are no data in regards to the effectiveness of partial prostatectomy, including with laser, to relieve and cure the symptoms of prostatitis. There are clearly cases, as partly described in some of the other discussion threads, in which laser treatment did not work. I am aware of one recent case that made symptoms worse. So before deciding to have such a treatment, be sure to have a thorough discussion about proposed benefits and risks with your surgeon.

Let us know how trigger point works for you.
thanks Dr. Krongrad. What is your counsel here? I have experience these symptoms for over three months, abdominal pain is coming back. I have not clue what's next. Should I request an ultrasound of my prostate?

Arnon Krongrad, MD said:
Unfortunately, "trying" surgery is not like sampling flavors at the ice cream stand: There is a great deal more risk involved.

To the best of my knowledge, there are no data in regards to the effectiveness of partial prostatectomy, including with laser, to relieve and cure the symptoms of prostatitis. There are clearly cases, as partly described in some of the other discussion threads, in which laser treatment did not work. I am aware of one recent case that made symptoms worse. So before deciding to have such a treatment, be sure to have a thorough discussion about proposed benefits and risks with your surgeon.

Let us know how trigger point works for you.

If I understand you correctly, you've only had symptoms for three months. I wouldn't even consider surgery of any kind at this stage. For most guys who get this it goes away after a few months, so give it time.

Nobody here can be your doctor, so we cannot advise you on specific diagnostic steps as you requeste. However, it is surely obvious that any patient with recurring symptoms should be working closely with a qualified, interested doctor.

Jon is right: Surgery is not an appropriate option for patients who have had symptoms for 3 months.

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