Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.
I've been battleing a prostate problems most of my life (so far, no cancer..thank God)..I'm trying the Aneros prostate massage therapy as of now... Just started so can't brag about any success as of yet...When I ejaculate...very little semen comes out...Anything I can try to improve that problem?....Pete
Thanks Blake... Appreciate the help...I was hopeing a period "Aneros" massage would flush it out. I'm caregiver for my 88 year old father since my mom died of cancer a couple of years ago and don't have any health insurace so doing something like that is pretty much out of the question at this time...But thank you for the advice...Pete
Blake said:
I'm not a doctor, but I would think if little to no semen is coming out, that your ejaculatory duct is blocked. You should have a trans rectal ultra sound to look at your prostate, but truth is most urologists won't do the test, urologists in general just don't like messing with this disease.
My advice is stand firm and take no for an answer, march to a hospital or urology clinic and firmly plant your feet and tell them you want a trans rectal ultra sound, if they tell you sorry your urine clean, tell them NO I want the ultra sound. If they tell you sorry but your prostate is not swollen again you tell them NO. You have to understand something that has taken me 3 yrs to understand, and I'm not trying to be rude to the medical community by saying this.
Doctors honestly don't care about treating chronic conditions, if it's something that can be treated one time with handful of pills they will treat it. But if it's a chronic condition that requires stamina on the part of doctors to work with a patient then they won't mess with you.
In many countries doctors get what's called an incentive bonus meaning if they cure disease they get extra money from the government. In America there is no incentive bonus, a urologist is getting about $210 no matter what he does, he can sit in a room and wave his hand at you for 60 seconds and walk out and he is still getting $210. There is no incentive for him to cure that disease, why work hard when he is getting paid the same amount anyway. But compare this to prostate cancer, more money to be made, money to be made off of surgery as well, and it is considered deadly. Money talks and bull crap walks. Stand firm and demand that test if you've not yet had it. Don't be mean or curse anybody out because all that will do is get you kicked out, but stand firm and take NO for an answer.
P.S. Since you've been battling this such a long time, you might talk to Dr. Krongrad and set up an appointment with him and see what he suggests, he also does prostatectomies
Hey buddy. Thanks for all the info...I'll definately give those things a try... As for as your questions...Well lets see...Can't really say it feels like any pressure is relieved..When i do ejaculate it still has all the all of the arousal feelings( guess that's the best way to describeit) but yes it does have some pain at point of ejaculation. I've been on this increased water consumption protocal for a while now and it seems to be helping with that part of it.. Of corse the pain hasn't completely gone but i have noticed a little relief. I know I'm hardheaded and really don't have much faith in conventional doctors for certain illnesses..I've taken all the prescription meds I want to take...Your body is made up of trillions of living cells, I just don't think God intended you to put synthetic and artifical drugs in your body to heal it..I'm happy to say that I only take ONE prescription med,"Lisinopril"and that's for blood pressure..I'd stop that to but I'm scared Anyway, thanks again and I'm gonna give your ideas a try..I'm gonna keep reading and researching and trying other things. I'm gonna cure my self the "NATURAL" way or die Blake.
Blake said:
@ pete I tried a prostate wand, kind of like a small vibrator, unfortunately it didn't help, it made symptoms worse in my case.
I do have a couple of questions for you if you can answer
1. When it comes to ejaculation, does it help symptoms at all such as a feeling of letting off pressure or does it make symptoms worse when you do it ?
2. When you ejaculate does it hurt at the point of ejaculation ?
Something you can try. some people have success with this method, you buy a small enema bulb or bottle and insert up rectum and squeeze hot water into it. Some people amazingly ended up being cured doing this, didn't work at all for me.
You can actually buy a Fleet Enema out walmart for probably $5 or less, dump the enema junk in it out and fill with hot water and give it a try. Do it slowly, the first couple times the water will come back out and force you to poop a little bit since it also travels in the colon area but it's a very mild laxative. After a couple times that should pass. If you do it make sure water is hot not lukewarm, but no so hot you end up burning yourself.
Oh yea, I was a huge coffee drinker, at least 8 cups a day or more.. The last couple of weeks I've cut that down to one or two cups a day. I don't seem to have any food problem that I know of...Got to admot though, I love my spicy food ( Louisiana but I have to do the cooking for my dad and not much seasoning goes in the things that he eats..Going today and see if I can locate an enama bottle...thanks....Pete
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