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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

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Richard smith left a comment for Erik
"Erik, I have just read your page, I'm feeling much as you are ... I'm relieved to know I am not the only one who sees removal of the prostate the final and distant light at the end of this dark tunnel. hope you are well Richard"
Nov 13, 2012
Erik updated their profile
Jul 26, 2012
Erik left a comment for Erik
"Hi Arnon, I suppose that you have figured out that I am the same Erik as contacted you a month ago by e-mail and then got such a fast response from you. That was really fantastic. I will do as you suggest and update my profile in the…"
Jul 16, 2012
Arnon Krongrad, MD left a comment for Erik
"Hi Erik, Welcome. How are you doing? It may help you to get more feedback if you post some detail about your history, treatments, etc. You can edit your profile through the "settings" button on the upper right.   AK"
Jul 16, 2012
Erik is now a member of Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Jul 16, 2012

Profile Information

What is your score on the Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (posted on home page)?
I don't know and I don't want to know for the moment. Maybe I find out later.
If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, please tell us your story: age, duration of symptoms, treatments, results, and the like.
I am fifty-three year old and I was diagnoses with chronic prostatitis eight years ago, when I suffered from a severe infection that lasted for over a year. I had all classical symptoms, constant and sometimes unbearable pain. Swedish doctors, first misdiagnosed me and gave me a ten days cure with Ciprofloxacyn, which really helped during the cure. However, as soon as I stopped taking the drug the symptoms came back even worse. Swedish doctors refused to make any systematic tests, like taking cultures, but gave me more antibiotics, at the same time as they assured me that the cause of my condition was probably not bacterial. Then I went to Rome to see Dr. Guercini who made proper tests and found three microbes: entrococcus feacalis, ueraplasma uralyticum and chlamydia. The entrococcos had developed resistance against most antibiotics. However, the tests showed that there was one drug that might work, and that was piperacillin, which cannot be administrated orally. Despite my awful condition I did not take the injections which Dr. Guercini recommended but went back to Sweden to try to find conventional treatment. In vain I tried to convince the Swedish doctors to give me a cure of piperacillin, but they refused, but gave me new cures with other antibiotics, such as Ciprofloxacyn, at the same time as they were telling me that I probably had no bacteria. A friend of mine who is a doctor in a completely different discipline prescribed piperacillin which I administrated myself by three injections in the arm each day for twenty days. I could feel no immediate improvement, and switched to doxycyline which I continued to take about a year. Under this year the symptoms slowly decreased and after two years from the outbreak I was beginning to think that I was cured. I still don't know what role the antibiotics had in my recovery and what role my own immune system had. Since then I have suffered from milder symptoms for shorter periods, until three or for months ago, when a more persistent pain came back, together with the other classical symptoms. I take doxycycline and anti-inflammatory medicine. So far, the pain is not at the same level as it was last time and I have some hope that this will fade away, just as it did eight years ago. Therefore, I will try to do everything I can to resist depression and despair, and live a healthy and regular life to give myself a chance to recover. For this reason I will visit this web-site only occasionally, since it can really be depressing to read too much about this disease. From everything I have read I know only one thing, and that is how little we know. I cannot see myself obsessed with chasing new possible explanations and treatments for the rest of my life. However, although we know very little, there is one thing that I find very likely, and that is that prostatitis is a disease of the prostate, which leads me to believe that a removal of the organ will also remove the disease. However, this is a last resort, which I am not ready to try yet. For me the very knowledge that a removal is a realistic and manageable possibility has had a good influence on my state of mind. Frankly, if I was going into a very long lasting state of chronic pain again, knowing that the chances of recovery are small, I would not find it worth living. Therefore, the knowledge that a removal is a realistic alternative and that this procedure most likely will remove the pain, makes me to see my future not as dark as otherwise.

Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 9:50am on July 16, 2012, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…

Hi Erik,

Welcome. How are you doing? It may help you to get more feedback if you post some detail about your history, treatments, etc. You can edit your profile through the "settings" button on the upper right.



At 10:59am on July 16, 2012, Erik said…

Hi Arnon,

I suppose that you have figured out that I am the same Erik as contacted you a month ago by e-mail and then got such a fast response from you. That was really fantastic. I will do as you suggest and update my profile in the settings. 

As I told you previously over e-mail I was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis eight years ago. I suffered from severe pain for nearly a year, but the acute symptoms went a way after one year. I took antibiotics for over a year. Since then I have had weaker symptoms and short periods of milder pain. Until about three or four months ago, when the constant pain came back. I am now on a new long cure of antibiotics. However, since three weeks ago, the pain has retreated somewhat and I have some hope that it will fade away also this time. I am trying to do everything right, sleep and eat properly, taking walks and do some exercise, which in my case definitely has a good effect, although the pain may get worse a couple of hours after workout. But I also have to consider the worst case scenario, that the pain will increase again and become permanent. In that case I will most likely consider surgery. And in the case the pain goes away also this time, but returns, as it probably will do one day, I may one day come to the point where I think a removal of the prostate is the best alternative. I don't want to have the rest of my life ruined. Since you were so kind to send me this message so quickly, I may take this opportunity to ask you a few questions again. In our last telephone and e-mail exchange you told me that you had treated about 30 patients for chronic prostatitis and out of these only two patients did not experience any substantial improvement.  My first question to you is if you have any idea why the treatment failed in two cases. Where these cases in any way specific?  My second question is regarding the technical development of the surgical procedure, which I understand has been very fast during recent years. Is it likely that we will see a fast development over the next years, a development which will further reduce the risk of serious side-effects? 

Best regards,


At 1:55am on November 13, 2012, Richard smith said…

Erik, I have just read your page, I'm feeling much as you are ... I'm relieved to know I am not the only one who sees removal of the prostate the final and distant light at the end of this dark tunnel.

hope you are well


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