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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Gary Itzkowitz
  • Male
  • Somers Point, NJ
  • United States
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Nov 9, 2011

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If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, please tell us your story: age, duration of symptoms, treatments, results, and the like.
I have had been diagnosed with chronic prostatitis in Nov,2007 at age of 51.I have been suffering ever since then and in July of 2008 i had stop working because of all the horrible and debilitaing symptoms.I had and still have the urgenecy to urinate frequently with pressure feeling in the bladder as well as having the feeling that i am sitting on a basketball and the constant feeling that my prostate is swollen and inflamed and pain in my rectum which makes it very difficult to sit and sleep.I also have pain at the tip of my penis and at the start of my symptoms i had a lot of burning when urinating.
I have been on several medications,cipro,diflucan,macbrid,doxycycline,and ,flomax, with very little help.For the most part there has been no bacteria showing.Because there is very little the medical field knows about this with all the tecnology out there am left with taking valium and relafen to try and make my days as comfortable as possible.Funny how they can send a man to the moon but can't find a better treatment and even cure for this.Where is all the money that is collected for research going is my question as after all these research projects over the years we the ones that suffer are still at the starting line.
This condition has left me with a limited quality of a social and sex life which until this condition i was always very active..I am hoping that maybe one day in future there will a better way of treating this opposed to just treating the symptoms with harmful and useless drugs.

Comment Wall (2 comments)

At 9:01am on November 10, 2011, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…

Well written, Gary. You touched on a number of very important points.

You're the first on this forum to describe his symptoms as if sitting on a  basketball, although many describe the sensation of sitting on a golf ball, baseball, etc (click here). This is one of the most common types of prostatitis symptoms.


Do you know what your CPSI score is? Have you ever checked?

At 11:21am on November 10, 2011, Gary Itzkowitz said…

Hello Dr.Krongrad,thank you for your compliment and your respone to my profile,i appreciate you taking the time to do so.Yes besides describing the basketball feelings for me as i am no doctor and no expert like perhaps like yourself i do know pain and what i fee.I do feel and know in my honest heart more can be done as you are aware as well.I know the kind of work you do and maybe for the sufferes who can't stand it anymore that is good as i guess if you want something bad enough there is always someone out there that for a price will do anything someone wants.Sorry for the blutness Dr. but i don't not mince words as you can tell and i am a very straight forward person and hate seeing people perhaps being misslead with false hope,hey that is my opinion and gald we live in the United States so we can so do so.Maybe one day you can send the tissues out that you remove for testing and maybe see what is causing the problem if it can be detected.Thanks again for your response and listening to mine and hope you stay healthy.




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