Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Tim A
  • Male
  • Merritt Island, FL
  • United States
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  • s mndl

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Tim A replied to Jim's discussion Pelvic floor issues???? see latest update..newbie
"This is becoming one of the biggest debates of our time. Is non-bacterial prostatitis a muscle problem or actually a bacterial problem that is not detected? After 12 yrs and many different approaches, I am back to believing that past or present…"
Sep 13, 2014
Tim A replied to david b's discussion cleveland clinic.
"saw Dr. Shoskes about 12 yrs ago in Ft. Lauderdale Cleveland Clinic. I think it was my first flare up and it seemed to finally fade after he suggested prostate massages with antibiotics. The method helped me get by for several yrs with just minor…"
Sep 13, 2014
Tim A replied to Shehan Pingamage's discussion Anyone With Nerve Related Complications due to Prostatitis? Anything that helps?
"Count me as a having strange neuropathic pain in legs. Mine started several years after first flare of prostatitis. But has now been around for 7 years. My pain is primarily in the thighs and worse on the posterior side when sitting. This just adds…"
Sep 13, 2014
Tim A and s mndl are now friends
Sep 3, 2014
Tim A replied to LostSon's discussion Pain in legs and feet
"Sorry to hear. I've had burning pain in my thighs for about the last 7 years out of 13 yrs of prostatitis. It's been pretty consistent, worse with flare ups of prostatitis, less when not having flare up. Sitting pain, groin pain, urinary…"
Sep 1, 2014
Tim A is now a member of Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Aug 11, 2014

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What is your score on the Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (posted on home page)?
If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, please tell us your story: age, duration of symptoms, treatments, results, and the like.
Started about age 40. Going on 13 years now. Started soon after treating a UTI with antibiotics twice, as it recurred once, and having a cystoscopy soon after. Lots of antibiotics and finally got relief when prostate massages included in the regimen. Went for years with this kind of treatment when it would flare up. Also used amitriptyline (sp?)for a couple of years. When things got progressively worse and burning pain spread from groin and buttocks to the thighs, I got good relief from Cymbalta. Meanwhile, I started seeing docs for pudendal neuralgia and found that cortisone blocks of the pudendal nerve helped a lot. 6 months to 12 months at a time, the pain would reduce from 4-5 to 2 or less. This gave me the courage to have a pudendal nerve decompression surgery in 2010 and after waiting a full year for max benefit, my symptoms improved even more and I was happy with pain at less than a one. Unfortunately, a had a major flare up, out of the blue, Dec 2013 with major pain that seemed to be right in the prostate. It slowly calmed down, but real relief only comes from injections, and they only seem to help for 1-2 months now. Also, new symptoms have been bugging me this time around, including bouts with nausea, which has gone away, but also fatigue, malaise, and nervous system irritation that makes me feel irritable and unable to relax. No fevers, but at times, I feel slightly feverish or get mild chills. I have always had sitting pain that gets worse as the day progresses, so I stand a lot at work. My pains also get worse as my bladder fills and improves when I empty the bladder. The toilet seat is the best seat! Seriously considering prostatectomy, but seriously don't want to go through that with its risks and permanent changes when I can't be sure it will help. Ugh.
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