Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Travis Thompson
  • Male
  • Sumter, SC
  • United States
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My Journey

In June of 2008, something happened to me changing my life forever, almost killing me.  This something is termed Prostatitis.  Going on 5 years now, I felt like I was through the woods.  I have spent…Continue

Started Jan 26, 2013

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Travis Thompson replied to Antonio E. Feliciano,Jr.MD's discussion Diagnosis of Prostatitis Acurate?????
"I would give the diet change a shot and try going gluten free, there is also a great book i am reading by Amy Stein that gives helpful insight on the lifestyle changes necessary to creeate a pain and dysunction free life."
Feb 23, 2013
Travis Thompson replied to Antonio E. Feliciano,Jr.MD's discussion Diagnosis of Prostatitis Acurate?????
"Diet change and Myrabetric.  Much of the treatments are similar, except for a heavy reliance on the "IC diet."  But I had no stream before and the myrabetric has given me a normal flow.  Like I said I still have a long way…"
Feb 22, 2013
Travis Thompson replied to Antonio E. Feliciano,Jr.MD's discussion Diagnosis of Prostatitis Acurate?????
"I have suffered for close to five years and recently have discovered, even after nine urologists said prostatitis, with no evidence, that I may have IC!  I have been treating the IC over the past few weeks, and have seen remarkable…"
Feb 15, 2013
David Feeley left a comment for Travis Thompson
"I agree with you, STRESS,,,, I think the book by amy stein is way better than the head ache in the pelvis book though, if you have not gotten it or heard of it , get it, I have little to no symptoms at this point for 3 years,,, went on anti…"
Jan 26, 2013
Travis Thompson replied to david b's discussion Anxiety from prostatitis in the group Signs and Symptoms
"I would highly recomend the book "A Headache in the Pelvis"  as it has helped in the control of many of my symptoms.  There are several widely different schools of thought.  After five years of research I would consider…"
Jan 26, 2013
Travis Thompson joined Arnon Krongrad, MD's group

Signs and Symptoms

Prostatitis is commonly associated with pain and urinary and sexual dysfunction. It may also be associated with prostate-nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue and depression. This group examines signs and symptoms asssociated with prostatitis.See More
Jan 26, 2013
Travis Thompson commented on David Feeley's blog post Anyone have nonbacterial prostatitis?
"I would highly recomend the book "A Headache in the Pelvis"  as it has helped in the control of many of my symptoms.  There are several widely different schools of thought.  After five years of research I would consider…"
Jan 26, 2013
Travis Thompson posted a discussion

My Journey

In June of 2008, something happened to me changing my life forever, almost killing me.  This something is termed Prostatitis.  Going on 5 years now, I felt like I was through the woods.  I have spent countless hours on research, visiting urologists, running tests, trying medications, everything under the sun. It is my hope in writing this to inspire others for hope and also to record the events of my dysfunction.  Back in 2008 I was 23 years old getting ready to graduate from JMU, in…See More
Jan 26, 2013
Travis Thompson is now a member of Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Jan 26, 2013

Profile Information

What is your score on the Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (posted on home page)?
If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, please tell us your story: age, duration of symptoms, treatments, results, and the like.
I just turned 28 and was diagnosed with prostatitis 4 and a half years ago, a month after graduating from college. My main symptom which became debiltating, was the constant urgency, full bladder. I have seen more than a dozen urologists and done extensive research on the disease for the better part of five years now. I saw a remission of symptoms after a 2 year struggle. There is no way to describe the fear and pain that I went through. However there is hope. I read the book a headache in the pelvis and it helped tremendously. I am having a flare up, been 6 weeks, but I know that once bacterial infection and disease is ruled out that anxiety can be a huge contributing factor.
Which is your favorite prostatitis web site, forum, or blog?, the prostatitis foundation
Do you have a web site?

Comment Wall (1 comment)

At 12:05pm on January 26, 2013, David Feeley said…
I agree with you, STRESS,,,, I think the book by amy stein is way better than the head ache in the pelvis book though, if you have not gotten it or heard of it , get it, I have little to no symptoms at this point for 3 years,,, went on anti depresent, and went to pelvic floor dysfunction physical therapy... was stress,,, after feeling better got a divorce lol,, no flair up through that whole debacle, so that says alot... was on antidepresent cymbalta, helps with anexiety and with nerve pain... Im off that for 2 years now,,, took valium also good muscle relaxer, off that to if i feel tense ill take one though,,, or eat a home made medical cookie (wink wink),,,, Anyway Ill talk to anyone about this curse,,, I hope you feel better dude... anytime contact me and ill try my best to give you advise to help you!!!!!

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