Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.
Hello Everyone
I have been dealing with what i believe to be prostatitis for over 4 years now and it has slowly taken over my life and is bringing me to the point of insanity
I have been to the urologist and have had all kinds of tests done but everything is normal and they look at me like i'm making all this up
DRE ( doc said prostate was a little inflamed)
Some ultrasound through my rectum
Urine tests
I have tried changing my diet thinking i was suffering from IC, but i believe now i have narrowed it down to prostatitis as thats the central location of my pain.
My symptoms are
Perineum tightness and pain numbness
Sore to sit down
Considerabley worse after bowel movement
Weaker erections, and sometimes painful or non enjoyable ejaculation
Tender feeling when i press right below my testicles, towards the prostate
weak urine stream, takes forever to pee sometimes
Random pains throughout my penis and testicles
I am so confused as to whats happening to me. One thing i do notice is that my symptoms tend to get their worst after anal sex without protection, i'm wondering if thats whats causing all this. Also stress seems to have an effect.
Is it possible for the urine tests to be normal but still have a bacterial infection?
Another coincidence i noticed was i had to take antibiotics for 2 weeks for something else and the symptoms if i remember correctly went away.
Am i crazy? Does this sound familiar to anyone else on here. What should i do?
I have recently tried self prostate massage which seemed to help a little but then i read if its bacterial that can make it worse
I forgot to mention i am only 22 years old, so since age 18 i have been dealing with these symptoms.
I have a known history of anxiety as well
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The Prostatitis social network is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not engaged in rendering medical advice or professional services.
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The Prostatitis social network is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, please consult your health care provider.
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