Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

A question for Dr Krongrad: green laser prostactetomy for prostatitis?

Traditional TURP seems to be inappropriate for prostatitis, what about green laser prostatectomy? the high Energy would burn all the inflammed areas?

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Hi Jef. I have read about some anecdotal cases where green light made prostatitis worse. It seems from what I have been led to believe that the disease may be in the prostate capsule itself or at least close to it. You would have to burn so much tissue away (Even more than radical turp) that you may end up burning all the way out to the nerve bundles, making sexual recovery more risky than LRP itself.
Great question.

First of all, we don't really know where the "inflamed areas" are. And we don't actually know that histological inflammation is the problem. Plus, to burn "all" the areas would require burning to the periphery, which might prove risky. And to burn "all" the prostate would be technically challenging and very very time consuming.

Secondly, laser treats the central part of the prostate. We know from several cases, including that of Merlin Gill, that treating the central part of the prostate may be useless when removing the whole prostate can be very effective.

I doubt that laser will prove to be the answer. For what that's worth.




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