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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

After a LRP surgery is there anything forbidden to do, i mean after the recovery period, for example ridding mountain bike, marathon...etc?

As a chronic prostatitis sufferer i am currently looking for all the options of treatment including LRP.

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As far as know from what I have read, after your initial recovery period you may resume normal activities. I take that to mean your previous lifestyle. The initial recovery period ranges between 3 weeks to a month depending on the individual.Further healing with respect to continence/potency issues "can" be ongoing for 1-2 and a half years but should not stop your everyday activities including golf or bike riding (once the perineal area is pain free again..!!). If you are young, fit and lucky like German then you may not even have continence/potency issues.Interestingly I read somewhere on Dr Kroningrad's LRP website that potency "almost" always only starts to come back after continence does. Nobody fully understands why, but my guess is that our bodies are clever enough to prioritize the order of healing.
Thanks nik for your prompt answer, at least it seems there is a last option (surgery) when everything else have failed to get a normal life back.
I am going to 37 yrs old and i do not want to spend the rest of my life dealing wih this debilitating disease.

the thing the most surprising for me is that i discover this information on internet, none of the doctors i regularly visit even mention one word about surgery!!

Another question: have you heard about any case of unsuccessful surgery (LRP) for prostatitis sufferer, for example: surgery is done but the pain didn't disapear or get worse, or terrible side effects post surgery: incontinence, definitive impotency......may be there are not enough cases to debate at this moment?
I have not heard of them but there are very few cases at the moment. Dr Kroningrads ongoing 3 year trial will help quantify the odds more clearly.
I have not heard of anybody worse off yet, but quite a few better or cured through correspondence here, but the numbers are still low. Dr Krongrad's ongoing 3 year trial (ending in 2011 I think) will hopefully address the odds. I think from what I have seen so far a cure for most looks increasingly probable. Thank god we have a surgeon with the foresight & compassion to put this trial into reality. Like you say, just the psychology of knowing there is a likely way out of this gives me a great deal of comfort..!!
There is a lot you should not do right after LRP. For example, last month I operated on a 42-y old with 10 years of pain. He reported yesterday that at 3 weeks he induced a partial erection and had an orgasm. Good news: early signs of function. Bad news: he put himself at risk of bleeding by having an orgasm so early. A good surgeon warns his patients what to do and what not to do after surgery. If you generally want to read about LRP you can look at my site including Common Questions and Patients Speak.
Dear Doc

thankyou for your answer and thank you for doing something against this disease;

i will read carefully all the informations from your website....

up to now, how many chronic prostatitis surgeries have you done?

1. "Radical" means the whole prostate and seminal vesicles are removed.

2. The catheter typically stays in for 10 days.

3. Orgasms are preserved. The likelihood of regaining erections varies with age, baseline function, illness (diabetes), smoking, depression, exhaustion, sexual partner .... lots of variables. See the video by Dave Radford (click here).

Yes. Always. This is described in the paper linked here.


Your hypothesis seems reasonable. In fact, it would seem that actually having the prostate and SVs in hand might be useful in identifying the cause and/or mediator of symptoms. Which gets us back to a basic point: We need more research.

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