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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Can prostate removal for prostatitis really offer a cure for suffering men?

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Chris said:
The six urologists who refused to massage your prostate, saying the EPS is not definitive evidence, and that a semen culture is enough, are all wrong. All six of them. Because my semen was tested recently, along with my prostatic fluid, and my semen came back from the microbioliogist "clean", but my EPS was infected with multi-resistant stapholoccuccus Aureaus, along with E.Coli.

You worry me when you say that a nurse at the hospital is, " gonna practice me the first prostatical massage in my life :/ to collect the EPS and be checked in a laboratorium for bacteries,"

Has the nurse done this procedure before? You better ask him or her. Because you don't want somebody practicing such a delicate medical procedure on you without any experience, they can easily make your condition worse if they're not skilled practicioners. If they are, then fine, go right ahead, because it's one of the most important tests available for an accurate diagnosis of your condition. While your at the hospital, I would also recommend that you get tested for any fungal infection you may have. This can be done by having an urethral swab.

Chris & German, I believe that if Chris Eden was to remove the prostate, he would not do it without a full work up as described on his Basingstoke web site I have also attached a screenshot of the relevant section to save you time.
Hi Arnon,
Don`t the nerves responsible for erection and ejaculation passes through the prostate? I think they are called the bundle of walsh?
So If the prostate gland is totally removed then theese nerves are also destroyed. Would this not lead to ED and inability to ejaculate?

Arnon Krongrad, MD said:
Doctor Arnon What is sex like after the operation. I know its a dry climax but is everything else ok, are the guys telling you they are happy with the results?

Climax is relatively dry, yes. I understand that climax feels the same. If you are asking about functional outcomes, that is a complicated question that depends on many, many factors, including age, baseline function, smoking history, illness, obesity, depression ... I can talk about it but prefer to discuss a specific case than a general abstraction.
Antonio E. Feliciano,Jr.MD said:
Hi Arnon,

Don`t the nerves responsible for erection and ejaculation passes through the prostate? I think they are called the bundle of walsh? So If the prostate gland is totally removed then theese nerves are also destroyed. Would this not lead to ED and inability to ejaculate? Thanks AEF Arnon Krongrad, MD said:
Doctor Arnon What is sex like after the operation. I know its a dry climax but is everything else ok, are the guys telling you they are happy with the results?

Climax is relatively dry, yes. I understand that climax feels the same. If you are asking about functional outcomes, that is a complicated question that depends on many, many factors, including age, baseline function, smoking history, illness, obesity, depression ... I can talk about it but prefer to discuss a specific case than a general abstraction.
There is quite a good link here showing the walsh bundle. Although not by LRP, I still found this helpful to understand their location in relation to the prostate.

The neurovascular bundles pass postero-lateral to the prostate. They are visually distinguishable and physically separable from the prostate. You can read more about this on the Common Questions section of my practice site.
Thank you for the info

Arnon Krongrad, MD said:
The neurovascular bundles pass postero-lateral to the prostate. They are visually distinguishable and physically separable from the prostate. You can read more about this on the Common Questions section of my practice site.
Dr Krongrad. I was looking over the information regarding the trials your putting together for prostatitis surgery as a cure.

will the results be published in a medical journal?
Hi every body, finally i made t test of EPS(Expressed Prostatic Secretions) but for my surprise becomes negative, any single bacteria founded; but my symptons continue and of course besides of t pains i cannot sit at all... im falling in desesperation, what does exactly mean? I have cronical non bacterial prostatitis or prostatodynia? even having any of them it is possible that the LPR (Laparoscopic Prostate Removal) helps me to ride on from that?
Due the urologist who saw me, im suffering long time ago from that illness (at least 8 years), he afirms that in the basis of my prostatic tenderness, strong symptoms and calcifications; but of course he doesnt agree with t surgery.
All, the time i was thinking that my staff had a bacterial origin and i was convinced that t surgery can solve it, but now im simply confussed, im just ready to do it in a attempt for recover my normal life.... i guess you knows the big feeling of frustration that im experiencing at that moment.
Its evident that many of yours have a lot of experience with t issue in question (some times more than the doctors), then can anybody helps me to clarify a little bit that history? Do you think that t surgery is still a potencial solution in my case?
Grateful in advance for any answer.
Best regards. G
hey now,

Just because nothing was cultured does not mean no bacteri your cause. You have calcification which most see as a sign infections is present. calcification can be caused by the body coating the bacteri with calcuim, which then becomes hard. The bacteri is present in the calcification.

Or you could just have something else inflaming your prostate. Something unknown. Maybe autoimune problems or just a flaw with your prostate, causing inflamation.

Many men have inflamed prostates with nothing seen on eps testing or cultures. Science does not understand prostatitis . It seems trhe only true cure is prostate removal. You need to take your symptom score and compare it to the small chance of permanent side effects after surgery. You need to do what you feel is right. No one can tell you to get the surgery. It is to big of a decision. You must decide on your own.

If i couldnt sit i would def get the surgery. But everyone is different. Talk to kromngrad and eden, and go with whichever one you feel is best, and whoever offers the best price. I think ededn is alot cheaper. Mainly because in the uk hospitals are not run for profits. In the usa, hospitals are run like corportations, because there goal is to make the most money as possable. Its pretty sick if you ask me.

I really think your case will be cured by surgery. I think krongrad/eden did a case just like yours. The guy could not sit, after surgery he was cured

have you considered dr bahn in cali for injections? could help ya for months.
i have had many test eps , everything always negative. when i saw dr. bahn he showed me that i was full of infection.
after seven rounds my prostate is clear . i feel great !! time will tell but so far so good! dr. bahn and his staff are excellent..
they are the best by far to any of the doctors i have seen..
mike said:
hey now,

Just because nothing was cultured does not mean no bacteri your cause. You have calcification which most see as a sign infections is present. calcification can be caused by the body coating the bacteri with calcuim, which then becomes hard. The bacteri is present in the calcification.

Or you could just have something else inflaming your prostate. Something unknown. Maybe autoimune problems or just a flaw with your prostate, causing inflamation.

Many men have inflamed prostates with nothing seen on eps testing or cultures. Science does not understand prostatitis . It seems trhe only true cure is prostate removal. You need to take your symptom score and compare it to the small chance of permanent side effects after surgery. You need to do what you feel is right. No one can tell you to get the surgery. It is to big of a decision. You must decide on your own.

If i couldnt sit i would def get the surgery. But everyone is different. Talk to kromngrad and eden, and go with whichever one you feel is best, and whoever offers the best price. I think ededn is alot cheaper. Mainly because in the uk hospitals are not run for profits. In the usa, hospitals are run like corportations, because there goal is to make the most money as possable. Its pretty sick if you ask me.

I really think your case will be cured by surgery. I think krongrad/eden did a case just like yours. The guy could not sit, after surgery he was cured

have you considered dr bahn in cali for injections? could help ya for months.

Dr Bahn told you that you were full of infection. How does he know this for certain? Because as far as I can ascertain, he does no diagnostic testing or culturing on his patients. So there must be something on his computer screen while he's carrying out the TRUS which brings him to this conclusion

On your next visit, you must ask him this question--it's very important. Because that colour doppler machine he's using, could be the answer to all our prayers.

If he's not prepared to reveal his secret to you, put a gun to his head--that should loosen his tongue.
he said the dark areas is where the infection is. on my first visit i was dark in both lobes and vessiles . as the treatment continues all the dark areas became lighter and lighter . it really amazing to what the change. my prostate was inlarged at the begining . it is no longer enlarged . i used to piss every 20 mins or so. now i can go up to 4hrs without pissing.
as always good luck to you.!

Chris said:

Dr Bahn told you that you were full of infection. How does he know this for certain? Because as far as I can ascertain, he does no diagnostic testing or culturing on his patients. So there must be something on his computer screen while he's carrying out the TRUS which brings him to this conclusion

On your next visit, you must ask him this question--it's very important. Because that colour doppler machine he's using, could be the answer to all our prayers.

If he's not prepared to reveal his secret to you, put a gun to his head--that should loosen his tongue.
I think the color ultrasound dr bahn uses allows him to see dark areas in the prostate which represent infection. D bahns uses the latest technology, i am looking forward to my appointment with him next month.

I am very happy for you imnotcrazy. I know we have had our disagreements in the past, but that doesn't change the fact that your a honest straight shooter. Thanks for your honest posting. Hopefully your progress continues.

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