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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Les Stewart
  • 59, Male
  • Christchurch - The Garden City
  • New Zealand
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Dec 5, 2011
Arnon Krongrad, MD left a comment for Les Stewart
"Les, your story is posted . Thanks, mate."
Dec 4, 2011
Les Stewart replied to Nik's discussion So Far So Good 2 and a half Months Post LRP in the group Treatment
"Hi Nick, This is a very good Story - I have certainly found some similarities to what I had to go through with my Prostatitis - I will also write a Story of my experience similar to that of yours - I'm just trying to find the right time to…"
Aug 15, 2011
Les Stewart joined Arnon Krongrad, MD's group


Conventional, Alternative ... there are all kinds of treatment options for prostatitis. Which ones are new? Which ones are best?See More
Aug 15, 2011
Les Stewart and G8 GT are now friends
Jun 5, 2010
Hope Estevez left a comment for Les Stewart
"G'day, Les, my new mate. How are you feeling? How is it down under? Did you see the new Dave Radford video interview (top left of home page)? Stay in touch. Hope"
Mar 4, 2010
Hope Estevez and Les Stewart are now friends
Mar 4, 2010
Les Stewart updated their profile photo
Nov 4, 2009
Les Stewart commented on Arnon Krongrad, MD's group Symptoms
"High pitch but mild to vague pains from the pelvic area are common place for me, leaning forward at the computer disk brings it on but sitting back relieves the pressure a little - Standing and walking around aren’t a problem unless the…"
Nov 4, 2009
Les Stewart commented on Arnon Krongrad, MD's group Symptoms
"I believe by leaving comments on our daily symptoms of Prostatitis - This may help lots of people round the world who have Prostatitis but don’t actually know yet. Stress and anxiety are predominating in the early stages of prostatitis as we…"
Nov 4, 2009
Les Stewart joined Arnon Krongrad, MD's group


Prostatitis is commonly associated with pain and urinary and sexual dysfunction. It may also be associated with prostate-nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue and depression. This group examines signs and symptoms asssociated with prostatitis.See More
Nov 4, 2009
Les Stewart updated their profile
Aug 13, 2009
Hi to you all,

I’m pleased to be the 54th Member to have now joined the Prostatitis web site which I’m finding very helpful in finding out just how others are coping with this Condition.

On December the 30th 2007 - I was biking through town that day as it was a nice sunny warm summer’s day and decided to take a cut through the City Hospital Car Park down the short set of Steps I last my footing and slipped off the Seat onto the Crossbar.
Straight away I noticed a Sharp Internal jap of pain’ I thought it was Internal but hopefully it’s Ok.

How ever that evening while sitting down watching TV I noticed a distant mild nagging pain that was persistent but did fade in and out – I went to bed early and wake up the Next day and it was gone’ Ya I thought It has gone.
But however this cycle simply was repeating it self and was causing me grief each time it returned and it seem to be getting worse for some reason.

In February 2008 I finally went to the Doctor – After a through examination including the backside the doctor concluded that it was just a bit of Prostatitis and said will need to knock it on the head and proscribed me Antibiotics and IB Profane Tablets.

With that confidence I was ecstatic about the fact this was just infection and that it will clear up with the Antibiotics – The IB Profanes did actually help.
But the sharp distant pains tendered to always return and I couldn’t understand what was causing the flare ups to re occur.

After engaging in sexual Activity with my wife one evening’ on that occasion I went more than once but three times and noted that the feeling wasn’t normal on the two after goes and 24 hours later the sharp distant internal mild to sharp pains started to return.

I visited the doctor again in March to explain more of what I’m Noticing – The Doctor increased my IB Profanes but I new now that these were only dampening down the symptoms temporarily.
In May I had sexual activity with my wife again but because I had a couple of drinks It was not so easy and I “Miss Timed” The Next Day the symptoms returned and after 2 weeks it still had not completely gone so I returned to the Doctor as I was now starting to notice an increase in visits to the Bathroom and also a burning feeling up my backside.

The Doctor proscribed me Alfa Blocker Medication and warning me about the side affects – Correct – I was having weird dreams, sweating in bed and feeling Dizzy all the time – I could only handle the Alfa blockers for week and that was enough.

My Doctor made and appointment for me to now see a Urologist to further investigate as all his options had now been tried.

The Alfa blockers did help in me going to the bathroom and relieving back pressure but as usual it was only a temporary fix and the Prostatitis would return.

During all the visits to the Doctor I had three separate blood tests and also urine Tests for Bacterial Prostatitis – However these all come back as Negative and so I stoped taking the Antibiotics as they were doing no good for my condition.

In June 2008 My first visit to my Urologist was useful for one main reason I was now aware of the official term of my condition, it was classified as” A Bacterial Prostatitis” (Non Bacterial Prostatitis).

The Urologist put me on all the same conventional treatments to see if any thing Helped alleviate the symptoms but nothing has changed.
I was told that this Condition has no cure and that I have this condition for life and that only Medication will help.

I now cannot take IB Profanes as the started to give me serious Gut Pain – Very painful had to stop taking those.

The Urologist also did a Cecostomy to check my Bladder but that was checked as A OK.

I have now been suffering from this miserable condition now for six months – Symptoms Included:
 Sharp distant Pains that come in and Out (From the Bladder Area) But Bladder is Ok.
 Feeling tight and bloated in the Pelvic area
 Can only sit on soft padded seats when Prostatitis Flare is Bad.
 Constantly having to go to the bathroom especially at night this ease’s off as the Prostatitis flair up dissipates.
 The Feeling as if I have a Hot Burning Ball up my Backside when the Prostatitis has hung around for more than a week or two.
 Bleeding from the Backside Hot and Burning coming from my Rectum and I know that it is not the Haemorrhoids fault but the Prostatitis is causing my Prostate to Flare like a dying star and is pushing all the other internals out wood hence the bleeding from the backside (Its Pressure) – Sometimes the Paper is socked in blood – This is not normal.
 Shooting spasm type pain different to the beginning of prostatitis pain as these Pains are more like spasm travelling through out and reaching my penis and hitting the Tip but the Penis is physically Ok.

On that note of the shooting spasm type of pains I'm getting' I’ve noticed that there is a positive thing about this' That Is' This part tends to happen when that Flare up of prostatitis is Receding.

Second Visit to the Urologist and I was proscribed Proscar (Finstride) this actually helped me a little I believe it helps in getting the swelling of the Prostate down.
This does have some side affects including the feeling of stubble growing out of your skin in some places including the tesitcals and faster Hair Growth also Shaving every day as the stubble grows out of your skin faster, It’s a Prickly sort of a feeling – I did take my hand razor to work one day as clean shaving my face certainly help avoid this Side Affect.

For a major outbreak of Prostatitis - Codeine Pain Killers I have found to be the best for me as far as Medication for Prostatitis is concerned as it reacts quickly and also takes away the misery as well.

For a Mild or less obvious outbreaks of Prostatitis I have found Panadeine to be affective as well.

As of January 2009 - I now don’t see my Urologist as there is no more that he can do – how ever he has helped me to get Proscar (Finstride) Now.

I now have a government subsidy to get Proscar ( Finstrade) if neessory as it is very expensive medication as I have found that to be helpful if the Prostatitis Flare up is Bad.

Another way of avoiding major Flare-ups of Prostatitis is for me is to Only have Sex once a week to be safe and if more must be a four day gap between – No Less.

I Also now don’t drink Coffee which is unfortunate but it’s a must as for me Coffee can cause the prostate to flare up.

Same goes for Spicy Foods not so much Hot Food but just spicy – that doesn’t bother me to much though because I’m really not a spicy food person.

However Prostatitis Flare ups sometimes occur for absolutely no reason at all – On a number of occasions I can say that Sex was not a contributing Factor.

Lastly I would like to also say that I’m considering other treatments for Prostatitis including (Removal of the whole Prostate Gland) – I have faith in the Modern Technology and Skill that goes with that.

Like any operations we all know the risks and we weigh these up and decide in the end what to do, which way to go Etc.

I would like to enjoy life again IE: to be able to be pain free not to have to think about what condition my prostate is in today – IE: I’m feeling good now but how long before the next Flare of Prostatitis Is.

Yours Faithfully,
Les Stewart

Comment Wall (5 comments)

At 10:49am on August 5, 2009, Nik said…
Welcome Les. I believe you may be the first Kiwi member..!! You've pretty much summed up this "prison" of a condition. I feel exactly the same about how you describe the prostate flare putting extra pressure on the hemoroids. Im sure without this problem, the hemoroids would be fine.
At 9:07am on August 9, 2009, Nik said…
Your welcome Les. I have a good Kiwi mate living here in Brighton, UK by the seaside. There are also posters in the UK about prostate cancer on many bus stops and in the towns. What's important while suffering from prostatitis is to get a regular (at least annual) DRE (Digital Rectal Examination-or finger up butt in layman's terms..!!), along with a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test. Dr Krongrad assures me that if these tests are done competently by your GP, it is likely to detect it early enough to remove the prostate, before the cancer spreads beyond the prostate into your body. With the PSA test, don't be too concerned about a high number on the first test, as prostatitis can cause this anyway, but be more concerned about a rapidly increasing number on subsequent testing.
At 12:29pm on August 9, 2009, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…
PSA rise, also referred to as PSA velocity, is a complicated subject. Some thoughts:

Rapid rise is associated with prostatitis, especially acute prostatitis.
Slow rise is associated with prostate cancer.
Very slow rise is associated with benign enlargement.

For the assessment of prostate cancer risk, one has to look at many variables, of which velocity is arguably not the most important. Among the critical variables of prostate cancer assessment are the current absolute value of the PSA, the DRE, and family history: Do you have five brothers with prostate cancer? There are others but those three are key.
At 8:26am on March 4, 2010, Hope Estevez said…
G'day, Les, my new mate. How are you feeling? How is it down under? Did you see the new Dave Radford video interview (top left of home page)? Stay in touch. Hope
At 10:07pm on December 4, 2011, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…

Les, your story is posted . Thanks, mate.

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