Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Mycoplasma infection ( please help i need to get back healthy for my 1 year old son)

In september i had a UTI thats was not treated with right antibiotc.  Anyway now in December i found out from DNA test that its Mycoplasma.  The only problem is i have take 12 days of Zythromax in November that should of done the job.  Now i have a burning tip penis 24-7 and pain in uretha.  Im thinking of going for injection since i know its a bacteria that causing all of this or maybe get Iv but i dont know where to go to get that.

Any suggestion

Im ready to do anything...  im not rich but i'll spend whatever it take to be healthy!!!

Views: 1084

Comment by jeffos on January 8, 2013 at 10:45pm

the problem is that you can get a TRUS easily anywhere but it is difficult to find a doctor skilled enough to understand and draw some conclusions from the scan.

and also additionally to the skill doctor, you need to be scanned by an accurate enough equipement.

It must be available in Canada also.

May be consulting a radiologist might be a better choice than an urologist for such examination.



Comment by jeffos on January 8, 2013 at 10:47pm

May I ask you what sort of mycoplasma infection you have?...there are so many different type of mycoplasma and some are not pathogenic.

Comment by Rob on January 9, 2013 at 7:10am
Dna just said mycoplasma... I think its mycoplasma pneumonia because of the circonstace!!! Now the dna test is negative. So im wondering is it infection that causing golf ball or infection? Its so complicated!!! I just wish i could have a Trus to know wha happening down there!!! Im starting to be scare and anxious since its getting complicated to work and drive!!!
Comment by Rob on January 9, 2013 at 7:42am
How can a radiologist help im confuse?
Comment by jeffos on January 11, 2013 at 2:38am

a TRUS scan is a powerful tool to understand what happens in your can detect a lot of things like obstruction, calcifications, absess if any,inflammation....if and only if the doctor can read and understand what he is watching on the screen.

I have done a few TRUS and the best interpretation was done by radiologist (like Dr bahn), I have seen Guercini also in Italy (but no injection) and he was quite good at it as well.



Comment by Rob on January 11, 2013 at 8:00am
Interesting!!! I dont understand why not more doctor could do this? When you did your Trus did it show anything?
Comment by Rob on January 15, 2013 at 9:02am
I would say 75% better


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