Unfortunately I don’t know what have cause my CPPS but I think in my case, i first got some kind of infection in the prostate which became a lot more worse when it not was treated with antibiotocs(None bacteria wasn’t found in any tests) from the beginning and becaused I didn’t use warm clothes like thermal underwear in the cold months the first year I had this discease.
Yes, had a cysto done via uro in Panama City Fl last Nov at the height of all this. Of course it was fine. The Uro noted aminor stricture due to a hypospadias (re)repair done back in 1996. Uro noted that this minor stricture should in no way be causing these symptoms and said it was so small she would not do anything with it. I agreed, the stricture has actually been there since the surgery and had multiple cystos from other uros who said the same about it. WRT the cultures, the strep (which is of course considered normal skin flora) was found in the EPS, the Entericocci in the Semen and the cornybacterium was cultered several times during a urine culture last fall as well as found in the semen.
Rob, I left my comments in the attch, "Robreply". I'm not really great at writing in small boxes and the cut n paste from word to this comment box does not work from my govt computer. AJ
How r u doing Aj? I guess yiu had a really good lab to culture the cornybacterium? From all does bugs Entroccoci, strep and cornybacterium what bug do uro think is pathogenic? Did supplement ever help you? Would u consider injection?
Hey Rob
I actually need to change my profile information about the injections, after about 7-8 I finally decided that they weren't working. I was at a point of giving up, when I found out about the suppositories that I'm using now on a daily basis. Like I said they WORK for me eliminating 80-90% of the symptoms I was having.
Hi Rob.
it was after oral sex, i am not sure about the mycoplasma ureaplasma as i had doxy and azithromycin which were both ineffective
it was the ceftriaxone which cleared the discharge and this is ineffective against those two organisms as far as i know
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Any person who appears to knowingly solicit and/or render medical advice or promote a professional or commercial service on this site may be removed by the administrators without notice.
Information provided on this site should not be used for diagnosing or treating acute or chronic prostatitis or any other health problem or disease.
The Prostatitis social network is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, please consult your health care provider.
Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.
Rob's Comments
Comment Wall (9 comments)
Hi Carl!
Unfortunately I don’t know what have cause my CPPS but I think in my case, i first got some kind of infection in the prostate which became a lot more worse when it not was treated with antibiotocs(None bacteria wasn’t found in any tests) from the beginning and becaused I didn’t use warm clothes like thermal underwear in the cold months the first year I had this discease.
Yes, had a cysto done via uro in Panama City Fl last Nov at the height of all this. Of course it was fine. The Uro noted aminor stricture due to a hypospadias (re)repair done back in 1996. Uro noted that this minor stricture should in no way be causing these symptoms and said it was so small she would not do anything with it. I agreed, the stricture has actually been there since the surgery and had multiple cystos from other uros who said the same about it. WRT the cultures, the strep (which is of course considered normal skin flora) was found in the EPS, the Entericocci in the Semen and the cornybacterium was cultered several times during a urine culture last fall as well as found in the semen.
Rob, I left my comments in the attch, "Robreply". I'm not really great at writing in small boxes and the cut n paste from word to this comment box does not work from my govt computer. AJ
I actually need to change my profile information about the injections, after about 7-8 I finally decided that they weren't working. I was at a point of giving up, when I found out about the suppositories that I'm using now on a daily basis. Like I said they WORK for me eliminating 80-90% of the symptoms I was having.
Hi Rob, no I have not heard of Dr Bahn.
it was after oral sex, i am not sure about the mycoplasma ureaplasma as i had doxy and azithromycin which were both ineffective
it was the ceftriaxone which cleared the discharge and this is ineffective against those two organisms as far as i know
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