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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Arnon Krongrad, MD
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The Music of Prostatitis
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by German Jan 15, 2009.

3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Pekka Nov 4, 2008.

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Edward Kendal joined Arnon Krongrad, MD's group

Risk Factors and Causes

In many cases, it's impossible to know why symptoms begin. In others, the causes seem clear. The discussions here will examine factors that mark a higher risk of prostatitis and ask if any of these risk factors actually cause it.See More
Mar 16, 2017
kdkrkx joined Arnon Krongrad, MD's group


Conventional, Alternative ... there are all kinds of treatment options for prostatitis. Which ones are new? Which ones are best?See More
Sep 10, 2016
Sam West joined Arnon Krongrad, MD's group

Signs and Symptoms

Prostatitis is commonly associated with pain and urinary and sexual dysfunction. It may also be associated with prostate-nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue and depression. This group examines signs and symptoms asssociated with prostatitis.See More
Jun 22, 2015
Aeqile Gjikondi joined Arnon Krongrad, MD's group


Conventional, Alternative ... there are all kinds of treatment options for prostatitis. Which ones are new? Which ones are best?See More
Nov 25, 2014
david b commented on Arnon Krongrad, MD's group Diagnosis
"Sorry to hear that Dennis. How long have u been on testosterone therapy?"
Aug 21, 2014
Dennis Taylor commented on Arnon Krongrad, MD's group Diagnosis
"Nope. I'm 100% impotent since the LRP surgery. Viagra and Cialis don't work worth a damn on me. Plus, I hate the side effects. A urologist told me that they might not work bc my testosterone might low. Plus, for the last 10…"
Aug 21, 2014
david b commented on Arnon Krongrad, MD's group Diagnosis
"We're u diagnosed before surgery?"
Aug 21, 2014
Dennis Taylor commented on Arnon Krongrad, MD's group Diagnosis
Aug 21, 2014

Profile Information

What is your score on the Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (posted on home page)?
If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, please tell us your story: age, duration of symptoms, treatments, results, and the like.
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About Dr. Krongrad

Arnon Krongrad MD is Founder and Medical Director of the Krongrad Institute for Minimally Invasive Prostate Surgery. The Institute was founded upon publication of the technical manual for laparoscopic radical prostatectomy by Dr. Krongrad and his colleagues. Dr. Krongrad has vast experience in treating prostate cancer. A new door was opened in 2007 when David Radford came in asking to have laparoscopic prostatitis surgery. Since then we have treated other men with surgery. We have also learned of other men successfully treated by other surgeons.

Since David others have spoken publicly about their experiences. You can CLICK HERE to read about a man who failed two partial prostatectomies and got relief with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.

The question: who could benefit from minimally invasive prostate removal? To begin to anwer this question we have now launched a clinical trial of laparoscopic prostatitis surgery. Surgery is a prostatitis treatment of last resort and carries risk. Details are posted on

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Comment Wall (111 comments)

At 10:49pm on July 13, 2008, mike said…
Hello.. I mentioned your site on another forum. I am sure some more people will follow. People are curious to see the results of your most recent prostatitis patient recovery or hopefully symptom relief as the months go by.

At 10:55pm on July 13, 2008, imnotcrazy said…
i have had prostatitis for 3 years now. and have been all over the united states looking for a cure. im much better since i have been getting injections from doctor duke bahn. but im always looking for a cure . this condition is terrible both physical and mental.
its a journey i want to end and never go on again . im open for suggestions. thanks for being here for us poor guys.
At 6:03am on July 15, 2008, Antonio E. Feliciano,Jr.MD said…
Thank you for the invitation, Dr, Krongrad.I will follow your suggestion as soon as a learn the tricks in maneuvering within this site.
Hope we can learn from each other here.
At 10:12am on July 16, 2008, imnotcrazy said…
hello doctor i didnt get the comment. what procedures do you use for prostatitis??? thanks
At 9:41am on July 25, 2008, soso said…

What are the downfalls of taking the prostate out??

And what are the pro's of taking the prostate out if it's alway's inflamed?

After everything you've seen if you had prostatitis would you take your prostate out??

Thank you

At 4:32am on July 29, 2008, Chris said…
Over the past 18 years, I have been all around the world trying to find a cure for my chronic prostatitis. I have just returned from having treatment at 2 specialist clinics in China, where they use intraprostatic injections of a special de-clogging formula, along with broad spectrum antibiotics: neither treatment worked. In fact, my condition is now worse. I now have severe testicle pain after the injections, along with severe lower back pain. I am presently considering having the prostate removed, but my urologists here in the UK strongly advises against it.
At 4:31am on August 1, 2008, Nik said…
Hi Arnon

I have contacted you before with questions about the LRP for prostatitis etc. I am currently undergoing a treatment which has so far given me a great deal of relief, but remain interested in the LRP if I relapse after finishing the treatment.
You may be aware anyway but I contacted your UK equivalent Chris Eden and he says he has done 3 LRP's on CPPS sufferers all with good results. He did not go into detail about each case but I could only presume he meant they were all pain free with their continence/sexual functions intact.
I just wondered if you have regular contact with Chris Eden and compare notes etc, and if you knew anything of his Prostatitis patients?

Best Regards

At 4:57pm on August 7, 2008, Nik said…
Hi Arnon

Great news that Chris Eden is happy to collaborate with the study.

Best Regards

At 1:20am on August 8, 2008, soso said…
Hello Dr. Krongrad,

What's the cost of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy including the hospital and anasthelogist or just a approx total on everthing? And how do you get your insurance to pay for it if you have prostatitis?

Thanks for all your help.
At 10:01pm on August 8, 2008, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…
Hi Soso,

The out-of-pocket cost to the patient varies by insurance policy. Having said that, for patients paying without insurance, the "retail" cost varies depending upon which facility we use. I can offer two facilities in Miami and one and perhaps soon two abroad that will be less costly.

To investigate something like this we need to go through two steps:

1) review of the medical situation
2) review of the insurance policy

This is best handled in direct coordination with our medical concierge, Hope, and our finance coordinator, Ruth, who can be reached at (305)936-0474 and/or and

I hope this answers your question.

At 5:48pm on August 13, 2008, soso said…

Thank you for your response..I guess there's no ballPark price on this surgery because there are so many variables involved.. What do you think about this procedure or do you already do this.. Can this be done with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy???

What percentages do you see of sexual function coming back when the cancer is not in the nerve bundles after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy???

After laparoscopic radical prostatectomy do you see your patients the same for the most part as they were before getting the surgery except no more fluid on ejaculation. Like when you have your appendix out your back to normal.

When I watched the Arthur 'Bud' Burnett, MD, video it kind of freaked me out. Just sounds like not much of a chance of being whole again (Sexually) because so many things can go wrong like no more erections, no more libido, penis deformity and color deformity.

Sorry for all the questions. I just think it’s nice to hear from a Doctor that has done so many of these operations so maybe we can see what the chances of being sexually active again and what penis deformity's if any after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy when your in shape don’t smoke or drink no other health problems??? You know like 30% 50% 80% or better yet 99% ..

Thank you for all you insight.
At 5:59pm on August 13, 2008, Arnon Krongrad, MD said…
Hi Soso. I have not used Cavermap but don't really see the point. We can see the nerves just fine and there is no evidence that it adds anything.

The likelihood of return of function coming back varies with age, baseline function, illness (diabetes), smoking history, obesity, mood ... it's a complicated formula. Here is the story of one young man who regained his erections. I would expect that for a 39-y old, but not a 79-y old.
At 7:33pm on August 13, 2008, soso said…
Hello Dr. Krongrad,

Thats great to hear you can see those nerves I wasn't sure about that.. when I looked at it being done on the net everything looks the same to me..LOL . Thank you for your time and showing me the testimony. That's great!!
At 5:49pm on November 26, 2008, Chris said…
I understand what you're saying, Dr Krongrad: which is, what worked for Pete the Plumber, may not work for me. I appreciate your candour.
Also, I get the impression that you think I should lower my expectations in respect to LRP--especially post surgery. I would just like to say that after reading Dr Eden's reply to my latest question regarding his sixth chronic prostatitis patient, my expectations can't get much lower.

Anyway, I have decided to do an internet blog on your forum regarding my upcoming LRP surgery; starting from entering hospital to leaving it--followed by periodical bulletins regarding my progress (or lack of) while recuperating.

I feel if I am going to be a sacrificial lamb, I want the whole world to know about it. If you have any objections to the blog, please say so.
At 7:05pm on November 26, 2008, Chris said…
I would welcome any questions. The idea of the blog is to educate the patient considering such a radical medical procedure, and to give first-hand knowledge of exactly what he will have to go through--the highs and the lows.

I feel I must warn you, though, Dr Krongrad, that I put up a daily blog on another prostatitis forum about my failed treatment in China, which attracted 32,000 hits. That was last year. Since then, the prostatitis forum has been forced to close down, because the doctor who treated me was discovered to be a fraud.

I'm sure nothing so dramatic will happen twice over.
At 8:13pm on November 28, 2008, mike said…
dr krongrad.. will any side effects from the surgery be collected and displayed after each surgery.. I think men will want to see that data along with the cure in order to make a informed decision. thanks

At 2:18am on January 5, 2009, Nik said…
Happy new year Dr Krongrad.

I was just wandering if the 31 year old cancer patient you operated on was lucky enough to have bi-lateral nerve sparing or not, and if so have you heard how is he doing with regards to erectile function & continence?


At 12:55pm on January 5, 2009, Nik said…
Fantastic news Dr Krongrad. Just what we all want to hear. Especially as I am 37 LOL...!!! I am becoming more and more tempted to do this just as soon as my partner & I try IVF and god willing succeed.

Thanks for the info.
At 2:23pm on January 6, 2009, Mark said…
Happy new year Dr. Kongrad.

I was wondering how many patients you have operated for prostatitis so far? Are they doing ok?
At 12:47am on January 16, 2009, Nik said…
Hi Dr Krongrad.

It might be interesting to note in the trial how many sufferers have had this problem start due to past hemorrhoid treatments (Injections, banding, hemorrhoidectomy etc.) . I know mine and many other's prostatitis was caused by similar rectal treatments.



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