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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

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  • Seoul
  • Korea, Republic of
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  • anthony dale mullinax
  • Rob

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AJ updated their profile
Sep 18, 2013
AJ left a comment for Rob
"Robreply.docx Rob, I left my comments in the attch, "Robreply". I'm not really great at writing in small boxes and the cut n paste from word to this comment box does not work from my govt computer. AJ"
Sep 17, 2013
AJ left a comment for Rob
"Rob, Yes, had a cysto done via uro in Panama City Fl last Nov at the height of all this.  Of course it was fine. The Uro noted aminor stricture due to a hypospadias (re)repair done back in 1996.  Uro noted that this minor stricture should…"
Sep 16, 2013
AJ and Rob are now friends
Sep 16, 2013
Rob left a comment for AJ
"What i find interesting is lab in north america would consider does bug normal skin flora in eps or semen. Me they just put normal skin flora."
Sep 16, 2013
Rob left a comment for AJ
"I also have bladder pressure did the do cystocopi? Mine was negative last year but i feel it would show something this year?"
Sep 16, 2013
AJ is now a member of Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Sep 13, 2013

Profile Information

What is your score on the Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (posted on home page)?
If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, please tell us your story: age, duration of symptoms, treatments, results, and the like.
I've suffered from prostatitis of and on for 14+ yrs. However, the past 13 months have given me no relief; literally not a day has passed where my life was enjoyable or normal. My symptoms, like most, are varied: I’m blessed with no testicular pain or lower back pain, no radiating pain down my legs. No dribbling or pain during ejaculation. In fact I get temporary relief (few hours) after being with my wife. My "pain" is a CONSTANT and incessant burning that will range from extreme (on the floor in tears) to just a depressing low burn that impedes everything from sitting to interacting with my wife and kids to work, driving, or running a simple errand. To be clear, the burning does not come just upon urination or afterwards, it's constant, and when I press down on my perineum area I can feel almost a sense of pressure which impacts the burning (does not make it better or worse, just manipulates the burning sensation). Wish I had a better way to describe it. I also have consistent bladder pressure that accompanies the burning. I can tell you what day this started; 17 August 2012. It did not just come on slowly with varying symptoms, and it was prefaced by what I call a slight but constant “fluttering” of either my urethra or prostate. On or about the 24th of August ’12 I ended up with massive back pain and fever (almost had to go to the ER but held off). I also noticed a day prior to the back pain/fever, I had urinated very cloudy urine at least twice. My hope at that time was a kidney stone, but to no avail as I would find out with a visit to the ER. Over the past year (Mar '13) Drs./Infectious Disease here in Seoul Korea have found bacteria in my EPS and ejaculate; both strep and enterococci. I had been off all antibiotics at that time for several months and the sensitivity showed both bugs susceptible to Levaquin. This came AFTER I had taken the Levaquin for a month (Aug-EOM Sept '12) at the onset of all this and my symptoms were worsening. Took another course of Levaquin this time for 6+ weeks and EPS/ejaculate were clear, but symptoms did not change; at times during therapy they seemed to worsen. I've taken multiple antibiotics from rocephin, doxycycline, levaquin, tindamax (anti protozoal), azithromycin, and Zyvox. I’ve also done acupuncture, cold laser light therapy, and spent thousands on standard process vitamins geared toward my symptoms. The levaquin I've taken multiple times for 6-8 weeks at a time. I've also noticed what appear to be almost consistent yeast like white “clotting or chunks" in my ejaculate after my wife and I make love. I've asked Drs about this, and none seem to think it's an issue; however I've never had this before until the prostatitis set in a yr ago. I've had fever and chills, but only twice over the last yr. The last fever/chills episode however, August ’13, had me hospitalized for four days in the ICU. When the fever and chills hit I also noticed I could hardly pass ANY urine. I should mention that at times I’ve had difficulty urinating, but this comes and goes. This episode actually seemed to almost close off my urethra entirely. During the ICU stay, the Dr. noticed what appeared to be thrush on my tongue and started me on antifungals (Nystatin and Diflucan). I was on IV Levaquin 1xper day while in the hospital and was discharged with 750mg/day to be taken with the antifungals. Dr. wanted me on it for 6wks but my body after about two started to break; had bad tendon pain in my left arm and heart arrhythmias (same thing happened in the Fall of ’12 when I took Levaquin 4wks). I’m continuing anti-fungals through October. I’ve seen 14 Drs. in all over the last year+ ranging from the Prostate Center at Bethesda Maryland to Seoul Korea and Tripler Army Hospital in Hawaii. Although I have the retail funding for the surgery, I’m currently trying to work a military funding waiver package and have solicited requests for a few items to move forward with the LRP. I'm hopefully awaiting a reply.

Comment Wall (2 comments)

At 9:54pm on September 16, 2013, Rob said…
I also have bladder pressure did the do cystocopi? Mine was negative last year but i feel it would show something this year?
At 10:13pm on September 16, 2013, Rob said…
What i find interesting is lab in north america would consider does bug normal skin flora in eps or semen. Me they just put normal skin flora.

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