Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

hello , how is everyone that has had the surgery doing????

its been a while since i have been on here. my life is pretty much back to normal .THANK GOD!

but i would like to hear from the guys who have had the surgery and give us some updates.

i dont see anything current or detailed . thank you.

i pray for us all every day!     GOD BLESS!!

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As a followup, I re-read the antibiotic and alpha-blocker study posted on the home page (
click here). It's worth noting that in that study, as in the prostatic injections study, the pre-treatment average score was 25. More importantly, the study showed that
placebo alone was also associated with
reduction in symptoms. No treatment was associated with improvement when measured against the synchronous placebo effect. What does all this mean for the prostate injection study we're reviewing, which showed mild reduction in symptoms? You might enjoy
this video about the placebo effect. One of many reasons why the prostatitis community should insist on more clinical trials and better clinical trials.
It just goes to show how easily some trials can be misunderstood by non medically trained people.!!
How so? How had you interpreted the study?
I thought it meant 68% were 81-100% better! I must admit I also got confused about the mix up between 6 & 12 months etc.
I had my surgery January 21, now 5 months later couldn't be happier. My condition which was on my mind constantly doesn't even cross my mind now. Best to all, Gerry Nishikawa
For anyone interested, Gerry tells his story in this video.



Here is the CPSI trend of the first patient to complete 2 years of followup in the surgical trial. It shows that his CPSI scores dropped from 30 preop to 4 after 2 years. The zero (0) time point is the time of surgery. A corresponding narrative is posted here (scroll to the bottom; see 2-year addendum).

I am pain free :)
AFAIK , we know 2 patients who still in pain.  One is Chris , and the other is German. No one has surgery with dr. Krongrad.   Dr. Eden did it in UK.  Any one who still in pain after LRP with dr. Krongrad ??

I found a patient called Miguel,  on the other forum.


anyone knows who performed that surgery?  


The link won't open on my end. Which kind of surgery are you asking about?

I try to quote it:

" Re: s I had a prostatectomy for prostatitis also, but it didn't work. A couple years later I got castrated and that worked. It's pretty much eliminated the old "prostatitis" symptoms. I had the miserable condition for 17 years. I think in a lot of cases the Cowper's glands are the problem with chronic "prostatitis". If you drastically lower testosterone for a long time, it causes the Cowper's glands to shrink or even disappear, according to some old studies I've read"


This message has been left on april 2011


Thanks again

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