Prostatitis Forum & Social Network
Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.
Hi everyone, I'm Rhythm, 59, and new to this forum. Thanks for all the support here.
I've only had prostatitis for 6 months, so when I see members posting that they are in their 10th or 15th year of this unbearable disease, it makes me feel foolish saying I don't how much longer I can bear it. It also makes me feel quite depressed and hopeless that my own prostatitis could be around for decades. Obviously I was hoping to resolve it within months, or 1 year at the most, but there seems to be no dependable treatments that work consistently, just "I tried everything and nothing's really helped," or "I get a tiny bit of relief, just taking the edge off, if I take a whole bunch of Tramadol" or some other heavy-duty prescription drug.
Occasionally, someone reports 50%-90% ongoing relief from some nutrient or supplement (like Allicin,) but then others say "Didn't do anything for me."
I, too, have tried many, many things to reduce the pain - mostly non-prescription methods & supplements, since prescription pain-relievers like codeine and drugs like SSRIs & Tramadol make me feel very druggy. NSAIDS like Advil/Aleve do nothing for the pain, even 600 mg of Advil.
I will continue my own search for something that actually works, and contribute here. I welcome any advice you all can share. I am currently trying a week of fresh-cooked Chinese herbs from a master herbalist who says he's had success with prostate/bladder issues, but on day 5, no improvement.
For me, my main symptom is the burning, rash-like pain in my scrotum, perineum, and rectum. I also have burning pee and pain at tip of penis, but I'm not peeing excessively...only had 3-4 nights in the whole 6 months where I got up 5-6 times to pee, usually just twice.
If I could just find something to dial down the burning pain a few notches in my scrotum, perineum, and rectum (particularly my rectum, for some reason) I could bear some of the other symptoms.
I cant say that im cured but the trus show that there was my prostate was in good shape therefore my symptom are minimal and will continu to go at Bahn for follow up!!! I think that Bahn is a treatment not a cure.
Well this has become quite the discussion, taking off from my original post! It's clear that we're all suffering and most of us aren't finding a "silver bullet" cure-all, or even a clear-cut cause...microbial. hidden-bacterial, bio-mechanical, who knows.
I am continuing my own process. I found NSAID pain relievers that dial the pain "down," though certainly not "off" - maybe from a 10 to a 6 or 5. I'm working with Mobic (meloxicam,) which does that, and I ordered diclofenac suppositories (another strong NSAID) because someone posted that helped him a lot. My dr. also prescribed Tramadol to try, but frankly I'm hesitant to try 'cause it's addictive, and 'cause I tend to get freaked out in my head by drugs that make me feel druggy & spaced out.
Beyond that, my burning pain level, especially anus & scrotum, has increased weekly since March. Urination still burns, but the few minutes of stinging afterwards has stopped, and the tip of my penis rarely hurts anymore. However there is now addition of pain in my lower back and sometimes up around kidneys. Currently I'm also feeling very fluey, mild fever & all...don't know if that's connected or I simply have a flu simultaneously with the pelvic problems. Scares me, though. Makes me start worrying about cancer again, even though my PSA is quite low (1.2).
Seeing an osetopath this week to see how much of this is pelvic-adjustment/pudendal nerve based. Then seeing Bahn next week for a TRUS, through I'm pretty sure this isn't really a prostate-centered problem. Meantime, doing my best to ward off depression about the whole thing.
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