Prostatitis Forum & Social Network

Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

I've had prostatitis now for two years. A couple of doctors have independently told me that eventually 'It will burn itself out', or 'Eventually it settles down.' However, no forum I've visited has had anyone who claimed this was the case for them. Is it possible that for some guys this does happen and they just don't visit forums? Or is it never the case and it's just doctors trying to prevent patients from losing hope?

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i have heard of a few people that it just burned out on. but not many. go to dr. bahn or polachek . the longer you wait , the more trouble your in. and those are the only two doctors i have heard of that has helped anyone. get busy and good luck!
That's for some people that might be in the acute stage. The problem might go away for a while but when it comes back it may become chronic Like the others suggested, hurry and get treatment ASAP. If oral antibiotics don't work, go to Dr Bahn in California.

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