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Acute and chronic prostatitis discussion. Arnon Krongrad, MD, moderator.

Can prostate removal for prostatitis really offer a cure for suffering men?

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Hang in there German your in our prayers that Dr. Eden takes you and cures you.....
I wish the clinics that Dr Kongrad use and himself had a more reasonable price for someone who is uninsured. Even if you make $100,000 a year is probably very difficult to come up with 36k. I'm only a student who makes little to nothing so my chances are nearly zero.

I wish you the best luck German.
Good luck German, I feel within a year from having surgery that at your age, not only will you be prostatitis free but your sexual function will have returned too. I would suggest though that you have some sperm samples frozen because you may not want kids now, but later in life if you meet the right woman you might change your mind and could then do IVF. I am doing this with my fionce now as whatever caused my prostatitis has also lowered my count drastically.
Your in my prayers my friend.
Out-of-pocket cost is never a matter of one-size-fit-all and I hesitate to even begin a discussion online that might as easily mislead as lead. The reason this is not a simple discussion is that many factors vary from man to man, including logistical costs (travel, lodging), insurance participation, discounting in selected cases, and availability of financing. This complexity is made even more complex by the fact that all these factors vary with time, some up and some down. As a group, the best we can probably do for any man who is seeking a specific option is encourage his to have a very direct discussion with his chosen would-be provider.

That said, the out-of-cost packages available to our patients are lower and in many cases much lower, depending upon choice of hospital and even location (we are working on new options in the Caribbean that will markedly lower the cost of prostatectomy.).

Perhaps most to the point, as of now we have established a precedent of having an American domestic insurance company pay for laparoscopic prostatectomy for chronic prostatitis. I suspect this is a first and if so it is a very important first.

Encourage the man with an eye to treatment to discuss finances directly with his surgeon. To do otherwise is to risk misleading him.
dr krongrad.. will side effects from the surgery be calculated along with symptom score at the end of the study?

Only just seen your post. I had an appointment with Dr Eden 4 or 5 weeks ago. He seems ok, though keep in mind I haven't been treated by him---yet.

I got the appointment by writing to him via my GP, outlining my history. During the appointment, we went over a few things--all my failed treatments mainly--and he agreed to put me on his list for LRP surgery. He added that it would be sometime in early 2009.

I can't really add much else. Only that he advises the UK government's National Institute of Clinical Excellence, so in my opinion, he is one of the top uros in the land. He also told me that he had recently carried out another LRP on another c.p.sufferer, I think that makes six in all. He added that the operation took only took 99 minutes, with a minimal loss of blood. (30mill).

I hope you get your appointment and he puts you on his list.
chris what are your symptoms?? where is your pain.. let me know . im way better but just in case . do you have burn in perenium and uretha??? all the best! GOD BLESS US ALL!
Dr Kongrad,

I have had chronic pelvic pain/prostatitis for over nine years. My primary symptom is pain. I have tried numberous pain medications, many, probably between 60 and 75 treatments by several physical therapist of the pelvic floor, MRI guided injections at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN (Dr. Stanley Antolak), trial of spinal stimulator (put in one week but the doctor could not place it where it provided any relief to my pain), pudendal nerve decompression surgery in Houston, TX, various types of injections at pain clinics in the Boston and Rhode Island area, visited the Chronic Pelvic Pain Center at the Columbia Medical Center in NY, seen a multitude of urologist, and still no relief.

I reduced my schedule at work from full-time to part-time. I am a Federal employee and have filed for Federal disability retirement.

I often experience high levels of pain. I am very miserable and do not know what to do.

I recently had an MRI of the prostate. It showed a couple of areas of concern. My urologist said that is what he expected to see given my long battle with prostatitis. PSA is low, but based on the prostate MRI I am going to have a biopsy of the prostate next week to rule out cancer.

I spoke to my urologist about the possibility of removing the prostate, but he said that he would not do it.

Any suggestions.

Thanks much.
sounds like prostatitis!! might want to consider getting it removed via a good surgeon.. dr eden in the uk or krongrad here in miami.... you have tried everything else. If i were you i would conider the surgery. Your symptoms sound prostate realted in every aspect

New prostatitis surgery patient reports have been posted:

A review of chronic prostatitis treatments and a scientific presentation has been published. Click here. (pdf)

I recently reviewed Dr. Krongrad's article in UroToday International Journal on Laparoscopic Prostatectomy for severe symptomatic chronic prostatitis. It's great to see such encouraging results in print. I underwent LRP with Dr. Krongrad in October of 2009. Since that time I am totally free of the prostatitis symptoms, healthy, vigorous and enjoying life! I congratulate him on his pioneering work in treatment of this nightmare disease!  Nick Muff MD
Blake, I am not a doctor, nor do I work in the medical arena.  I will say, however, that perhaps the bacteria in the prostate are trapped further down in the acini.  My personal semen cultures showed Staph, but it appears that can also happen because of interaction with human skin. 

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